Bibliographic citations
Paccini, M., (2023). Remoción de manganeso de efluentes acuosos empleando como nanoadsorbentes dióxido de manganeso y magnetita [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Paccini, M., Remoción de manganeso de efluentes acuosos empleando como nanoadsorbentes dióxido de manganeso y magnetita [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2023.
title = "Remoción de manganeso de efluentes acuosos empleando como nanoadsorbentes dióxido de manganeso y magnetita",
author = "Paccini Ramos, Melina Guadalupe",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2023"
In view of the current difficulties in the treatment of mining effluents by conventional systems due to the presence of manganese, a highly resistant metal that is not regulated by the current mining effluent quality standards, this research work analyzed the use of manganese dioxide and magnetite nanoparticles for the removal of manganese from aqueous effluents. Manganese concentrations in drinking water usually range from 1 to 100 gg/L, but most sources contain less than 10 gg/L. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends 0.05 mg/L (50 gg/L) as the maximum allowable manganese concentration in drinking water. In the present thesis work, nanoparticles of manganese dioxide (MnÜ2-a), magnetite and an industrial anodic residue from the zinc electrolysis process were used as nanoadsorbents to remove manganese ions present in industrial aqueous effluents and synthetic effluent. The nanoparticles were characterized by X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) whose results showed that the crystallite sizes of the MnÜ2 samples were less than 100nm and had rod-like and quasi-spherical morphology. The first industrial aqueous effluent had an almost inert pH, pH=7.20, and with a manganese concentration of 27.24 mg/L while the second industrial effluent had a pH=6.45 and a manganese concentration of 16.77 mg/L. The synthetic effluent that was prepared using MnSÜ4.H2Ü had a slightly acidic pH (pH=5.65) and a manganese concentration of 29.09 mg/L. According to the results obtained, it was determined that the highest efficiency for removing manganese ions from industrial aqueous effluents was achieved using 0.08 g of MnÜ2-a anodic residue in 20 ml of aqueous effluent at pH=6.45, time of 60 minutes and an agitation speed of 800 RPM, reaching a manganese removal of 86.88%..
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