Citas bibligráficas
Paucar, A., (2022). Diseño de un sistema de adquisición remota de datos para mejorar el tiempo de programación del mantenimiento preventivo de grupos electrógenos de una granja avícola [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Paucar, A., Diseño de un sistema de adquisición remota de datos para mejorar el tiempo de programación del mantenimiento preventivo de grupos electrógenos de una granja avícola [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2022.
title = "Diseño de un sistema de adquisición remota de datos para mejorar el tiempo de programación del mantenimiento preventivo de grupos electrógenos de una granja avícola",
author = "Paucar Quispe, Adrian Luis",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2022"
In the present work of professional proficiency, the problem of a deficient programming of the preventive maintenance of generator sets in a poultry farm was addressed. The deficiencies found are consequences of multiple factors; Among them, it was found that the data such as the hours of use of the equipment, which are used to schedule said preventive maintenance, are not obtained in a reliable and timely manner. In order to obtain reliable and timely data, a remote data acquisition system was developed that manages to obtain information throughout the useful life of the equipment if necessary. The data obtained is processed by the person in charge of the programming, so that, according to the analysis, decisions are made that allow us to improve the programming time of the preventive maintenance of the generator sets. The data obtained from the generator set is through a signal that the generator set emits when it is turned on and/or off. In addition, the location of the generator set is also obtained through the signal of a Global Positioning System (GPS). Both signals are acquired with the Arduino Uno card and sent to a web server through the SIM800L card. The web server is constituted by a desktop PC. The results are displayed through a web page for analysis and decision making.
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