Citas bibligráficas
Cruzado, F., (2022). Metodología para la ubicación óptima de TCSC considerando criterios de seguridad utilizando programación lineal entera mixta [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Cruzado, F., Metodología para la ubicación óptima de TCSC considerando criterios de seguridad utilizando programación lineal entera mixta [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2022.
title = "Metodología para la ubicación óptima de TCSC considerando criterios de seguridad utilizando programación lineal entera mixta",
author = "Cruzado Ruiz, Franz Jonathan",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2022"
This thesis proposes a methodology to optimally locate TCSC (Thyristor Controlled Series Compensation) control equipment in transmission lines, that is, through the proposed methodology it is intended to answer where and how many TCSC control equipment should be installed in a power system. considering safety criteria (condition N and N-1). The objective sought when locating TCSC is to minimize the costs of operation, investment and load rationing, in addition to adding flexibility to the power system, when one or more components of the system are out of service, from a maintenance or maintenance approach. failure. The methodology consists of three stages, the first consists of performing a sensitivity analysis to determine the candidate lines to locate a TCSC and also select the contingencies that generate a greater impact on the system, the second consists of solving the optimization model for the location of TCSC, and the third, consists of carrying out an analysis or processing of the results obtained from the optimization to determine if the implementation of a TCSC or simply the implementation of a fixed series capacitor (CSF) is convenient. The optimization model is based on the optimal power flow equations considering a linearized model and was solved using classical optimization techniques such as mixed integer linear programming. Another additional contribution is the ability of the model to locate TCSC control equipment in fixed series capacitors (CSF) existing in the system. The approach of the methodology is given from a short-term deterministic operational planning point of view, that is, the demand is previously defined (uncertainties are not considered). The methodology was validated in a 4-bar test system, later it was applied to an IEEE 118-bar test system and to the National Interconnected Electric System (SEIN) for the year 2025. The implementation of the methodology was developed using the PYTHON programming language and the optimization was solved using the CPLEX optimizer.
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