Bibliographic citations
Bendezú, G., (2022). Planeamiento, programación y supervición de los procesos constructivos del tendido de tuberías de gas en selva [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Bendezú, G., Planeamiento, programación y supervición de los procesos constructivos del tendido de tuberías de gas en selva [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2022.
title = "Planeamiento, programación y supervición de los procesos constructivos del tendido de tuberías de gas en selva",
author = "Bendezú De la Cruz, Gerardo",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2022"
A Construction Project involved the use of different materials, depending on the type of human resources, with variation of specialties and equipment. Because of that, it is necessary to have a project site plan to establish a good communication with the diverse human resources, since each one have diverse perspectives and way of thinking regarding the project. In that sense, the planning, programming, and control of the project is defined as the coordination of all human resources, materials, equipment, and financials, in a program, time and fixed cost, in order to reach the planned objectives. This work of Professional Proficiency analyzes the interrelation and dependency of the factors: time, duration, yields, industriousness, difficulty, human resources, equipment, materials, topographic and weather conditions, through the application of the principles of the methodologies “Gantt Diagram”, “Cumulative Production Curve or S Curve” and “Critical Path Method – CPM” as methods of planning and programming of projects that back the elaboration of this TSP developed about the laying of high pressure gas pipelines in the rainforest “FlowLine”, where civil engineering works where done about the right of way opening and erosion control, installation and soldering of high pressure pipelines, electro mechanic and instrumentation works, developing the services of engineering, supplies, manufactoring, transportation, construction, installation, pre commissioning, commissioning, implementation, and performance tests of the new “FlowLine” and of the associated installations from the Cashiriari 1 location to the Gas Plant Malvinas, with a total length of 30 Km. In Chapter I, a brief summary of the project background is made, the description of the investigation problem where to analyzes the necessity of the execution of the project is done, it establishes the objectives of this TSP and it defines the goals and deliverables to reach, it also reviewed some investigative background related to the topic of this TSP. In chapter II, the Theoretical Frame is presented where the historical background of the planning techniques are reviewed, it also establishes the necessity to plan and control a project in order to reach the optimum result in the execution of a project. Likewise it reviews the criteria of the programming techniques applicable to the project control and primarily focuses on the principles of the methodologies “Gantt Diagram”, “S Curve”, and “CPM”. It also presents the Conceptual Frame where the main concepts and procedures utilized in the development of this “TSP” were described. In chapter III, the “Project Planning” is developed, since prior to the execution of a project, it’s necessary to prepare a formulation, give it a course of action that helps to guide the execution of the project, in this frame, a methodology for the elaboration of the timeline of the project was established, developing strategies which allowed it to be completed within the timeframe set by the client, allowing the company to optimize schedules, reduce resources and maximize profits. The planning was done based on the general activities of the project, with the intention to estimate the timeline of each one, as well as the possible limitations, restrictions, or unforeseen events that may arise during the execution of the fieldwork. In chapter IV, we went beyond the development of a more detailed plan which is named “Project Programming”, in which the different activities specific to the project are integrated. These activities are arranged in a systematic manner, they are assigned a duration, start date, and completion date. It also establishes the relationship between the different activities, and the possible restrictions between each other, as final result we reached the “Project Timeline”, which allowed us to keep an adequate control. In chapter V, it details the way in which the “Control and Supervision of the Project” was performed, reporting the progress and identifying the deviations from the planning and programming. In this stage, we did a follow up of the management of the project along the execution of the whole project. The control of times and costs through the methodologies “Gantt Diagram”, “S Curve”, and “CPM” was done, while we also controlled and managed personnel. At the same time, the arrange of the order that the Final Report of the Project must have was suggested, with the objective to communicate the most accurate description of the state of the project. Finally, it reports the compliance of the milestones and objectives reached.
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