Bibliographic citations
Benites, J., (2022). Análisis comparativo de métodos de inspección para establecer los espesores en tuberías por corrosión [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Benites, J., Análisis comparativo de métodos de inspección para establecer los espesores en tuberías por corrosión [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2022.
title = "Análisis comparativo de métodos de inspección para establecer los espesores en tuberías por corrosión",
author = "Benites Ramírez, José Miguel",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2022"
Corrosive processes in fluid transport pipelines are frequent in oil flows in pipelines, different liquid products in pipelines, natural gas through pipelines, two-phase flows, miner ducts, pneumatic transports, pumping and compression systems, etc. The objective of this research is to comparatively analyze inspection methods to ensure the thicknesses established in pipes due to corrosion in copper foundries. The analysis will provide the pertinent information to select the appropriate method to establish the thickness in the pipe. The research was based on collecting historical pipe thickness data by two different inspection methods and after comparing them, the most efficient method for establishing pipe thicknesses was determined. The interview was carried out to obtain the referential background data, the inspection plans were interpreted and the points where the thickness values were recorded by Straight Beam Ultrasound and Guided Waves were identified. Historical Straight Beam Ultrasound thickness records were obtained based on the AP! 570 Pipe inspection Code, which includes measurements in each of the four quadrants on pipes and fittings. The data collection procedure was carried out on each pipe section throughout its entire length and on three circumferential sections of the pipe close to the circumferential welded joints. Next, historical thickness records were collected with the Guided Waves method, in appropriately selected areas, avoiding changes of direction in the pipeline. Once the database of the Straight Beam Ultrasound and Guided Waves methods had been prepared, the historical data was analyzed and by comparison, ¡t was determined which method was the appropriate one to establish the thicknesses of the pipe due to corrosion. Finality, with the results obtained, conclusions and recommendations were raised.
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