Bibliographic citations
Sánchez, M., (2019). Evaluación de impacto ambiental para obras de prevención de daños por desbordes e inundaciones en Quilmaná, Distrito de Cañete [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Sánchez, M., Evaluación de impacto ambiental para obras de prevención de daños por desbordes e inundaciones en Quilmaná, Distrito de Cañete [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2019.
title = "Evaluación de impacto ambiental para obras de prevención de daños por desbordes e inundaciones en Quilmaná, Distrito de Cañete",
author = "Sánchez Manrique, Marco Antonio",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2019"
This Environmental lmpact Assessment is carried out in city of Quilmana, located at 13.4 Km north of the city of Imperial atild on the same highway Panamericana Sur. Quilmana has another access by the 121.5 Km of the current Panamericana Sur Highway too. Quilmana is one of the 16 districts from the province of Cañete, department of Lima. The dry river's natural riverbed is born in¡;the Yauyos mountain, in the highlands of the community of Causipampa, near the town of Quilmana. This river, which most of the time does not have a water regime, is eventually loaded during the rainy season appeering the 'Phenomenon of the Child', where the natural riverbed overcornes its capacity overflowir¡:ig and affecting the population. Acéording to the sectoral legislation in 'The Environmental lmpact Assessment', this case of study correspond to category II, which belong to the kind of EIA-SD (Semi-detailed), which is governed by the:current national regulations in the SEIA and under the supervision of ministry MINAM and other competent ministries. The evaluation is developed under the methods of environmental impact assessment analysis, using the matrix 'cause and effect' and the Leopold matrix. In the description of the project, the topog,raphy and types of soils are specified in addition to establishing the area of direct and indirect influence and the initial conditions. The environmental baseline is going to be made where the current situation is described initially in order to determinate the conditions of the environmental variables of the interest's area. A length of 7 .2 Km along the riverbed is going to be considerad where the prevention works for the project will be executed. The list of activities for the construction will be established after wise and lt will be identified the activities for its environmntal impacts to have the analysis and evaluation. Likewise the affected environmental factors will be identified; finally, the environmental management plan will be elaborated.
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