Bibliographic citations
Ccoicca, Y., (2012). Aplicaciones potenciales de la inteligencia artificial en la industria de los hidrocarburos: Desarrollo del sistema experto Exppresion v1.2 [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Ccoicca, Y., Aplicaciones potenciales de la inteligencia artificial en la industria de los hidrocarburos: Desarrollo del sistema experto Exppresion v1.2 [Tesis]. : Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2012.
title = "Aplicaciones potenciales de la inteligencia artificial en la industria de los hidrocarburos: Desarrollo del sistema experto Exppresion v1.2",
author = "Ccoicca Pacasi, Yuri Javier",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2012"
Due to the present political, social and economical situation of the hydrocarbons sector, a great number of experts are migrating to other different industrial sectors (exploration, production, etc), to other national and/or international companies; there are also people retiring due to legal limits of age, situation that also affects the competitiveness of the company, because the knowledge and expertise of theses people is also leaving the company. To acquire this knowledge again by means of formal training and/or published literature, turns to be difficult and not practical, not only because of the emerging costs but also because the expert's long-years-experience, was improved through professional training and/or specializing studies. By using Artificial lntelligence (lA) techniques, this knowledge can be analyzed, structured, formalized and improved in a computer. Once the expert system has been developed, the knowledge base can be saved in DVD or Blue-Ray The inexperienced professional can salve real problems, simulate case problems and learn the specialized vocabulary of the area, being the expert's presence necessary only for very uncommon complex problems. EXPPRESION is a prototype intelligent software applied to the domain of formation evaluation, more specifically to Well Testing , wholly programmed with Microsoft Visual Basic which through the Active-X CLIP S OCX is full of written routines with Shell CLIPS 6.3 - a tool developed by NASA to create knowledge based systems - characteristics that make this application a valid example of EXPERT SYSTEMS technology.
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