Citas bibligráficas
Valdiviezo, L., (2014). Estudio de la vibración producida por maquinaria minera en la salud de los trabajadores en la Unidad Minera Breapampa [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Valdiviezo, L., Estudio de la vibración producida por maquinaria minera en la salud de los trabajadores en la Unidad Minera Breapampa [Tesis]. : Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2014.
title = "Estudio de la vibración producida por maquinaria minera en la salud de los trabajadores en la Unidad Minera Breapampa",
author = "Valdiviezo Guzmán, Luis Alberto",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2014"
The application of Supreme Decree No. 055-2010-EM., In mining companies whose daily work is done with machines that produce vibrations, determines that necessarily they have to conduct monitoring that allow to obtain vibration values and compare them with those established by the standard . If values exceed the established, then investigate the health effects that may occur in workers. These effects of exposure to vibration caused by various physical and mechanical agents, should be monitored in the business by standard procedures and methodologies that characterize the agent, the route of exposure and the effects they have on the health of workers. Supreme Decree No. 055-2010 - Regulation of Occupational Safety and Health and other measures in mining, established in Article 95, that every mining company should monitor physical agents present in mining operations such as noise, temperature extremes, vibration, lighting and other ionizing radiation. In addition, Article 102 of the Regulation of Occupational Safety and Health states that in cases of worker exposure to vibrations, it must meet the values set in these regulations, which are: a) For Exposure to Whole Body Vibration: the maximum value of acceleration 0.5m/s2 8 hours will be. b) Exposure to Hand-Arm Vibration: - 4 hours to less than 8 hours 4 m/s2 - 2 hours to less than 4 hours: 6 m/s2 - 1 hour to less than 2 hours 8 m/s2 - Less than 1 hour: 12 m/s2 The level of research is descriptive, because we will describe each of the variables and how vibrations can affect the health of workers. The guy is correlational because it studies the relationship between variables, ie we want to know the relationship between the vibration and health of workers. Therefore this research is descriptive correlational. The population of company workers exposed to various vibrations are 40, with the sample of 40 workers Intentional, which are the largest operating vibration equipment. Those who work in roller machinery, tractor, excavator and dump. The data extraction form will the results of the monitoring and surveys that can make workers. For mining, the prevention and control of exposure to vibration is their farms as well as being a legal obligation security, provides important advantages: - Can reduce workplace accidents and improved working conditions of the worker. - Reduces the risk of workers contracting vascular and musculoskeletal. - Contributes to improving the image of the company. The standards set out in this regulation shall be auditable from the 03 years of its publication, which should be performed starting in 2013, as the Regulation of Occupational Safety and Health, was published in 2010. The audit will take place from the 05 years of operation, in 2015. That is why in the present investigation are to analyze the results of the monitoring of vibrations in mine work, which will give results of the values generated by machines and explore the values that exceed the provisions of the standard.
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