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Quispe, A., (2013). Plan de minado subterráneo aplicado en la Corporación Minera Ananea S.A. [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Quispe, A., Plan de minado subterráneo aplicado en la Corporación Minera Ananea S.A. [Tesis]. : Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2013.
title = "Plan de minado subterráneo aplicado en la Corporación Minera Ananea S.A.",
author = "Quispe Aguilar, Avelino",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2013"
Título: Plan de minado subterráneo aplicado en la Corporación Minera Ananea S.A.
Autor(es): Quispe Aguilar, Avelino
Asesor(es): Chávez Valdivia, Adolfo Jesús
Palabras clave: Minado subterráneo; Ciclo de minado
Fecha de publicación: 2013
Institución: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería
Resumen: Con el presente trabajo de Tesis de investigación de campo se muestra el incremento de la producción y la productividad de una minería aurífera subterránea en las Operaciones de la Corporacion minera Ananea S.A. en la concesión minera Ana María N° 1, ubicado en el paraje La Rinconada, entre el nevado Ananea y el cerro San Francisco, en el sector denominado Comuni 21, Santa Ana y Balcon III a 5,000 m.s.n.m. mediante método de explotación de cámaras y pilares en los mantos auríferos.
La característica de los filones es delgada, con un promedio de potencia de 4 cm., y en otros se adelgaza a potencias de 0.2, 0.5 y 0.7 cm., son mantos de cuarzo ahumado, cuarzo gris oscuro y cuarzos azuláceos muy cristalizados, otra característica, es que tiene abundante pirita, calcopirita, y pirrotita, con una mezcla de abundantes sulfuros y óxidos de Cu, óxidos de Ag, galena y blenda, con una ley promedio de 25 gr/TM.
El método de explotación es el de “cámaras y pilares con circado”, método que consiste en llevar el manto o filón aurífero en la caja techo, para desbrozar mediante tajeos la pizarra encajonante de la caja piso, con una altura promedio de 1.50 ms. dejando así al manto descubierto con una pequeña caja de pizarra denominada “la circa de mineral”, el mismo que se dispara luego.
El ciclo de minado de las operaciones de explotación considera las operaciones unitarias: perforación, voladura, sostenimiento, limpieza, carguío y transporte de desmonte y beneficio de mineral.
Con el mejoramiento de las operaciones mineras subterráneos se incrementó la cantidad de frentes de trabajo de la empresa en un 57%, con la finalidad de obtener más avance, más exploraciones y mayor producción, pero este aumento naturalmente significa una evidente y consecuente elevación de los costos de operación.
Para el proceso de recuperación, la planta concentradora tiene una capacidad de mineral 18 toneladas por dia, para tratar el mineral.
Según los reportes de la planta concentradora, se incremento la capacidad de molienda de minerales en un 100%, este efecto es porque sube a un 30 %, cuando se incrementan los frentes de extracción para producir mayor volumen de mineral, mientras se observa un declive de las leyes de mineral que se extraían, entonces el objetivo principal del plan es la de mejorar las operaciones: “moler mayor volumen de mineral con leyes bajas, y hacer rentable la operación”.
El costo de tratamiento de una tonelada de mineral en la planta concentradora, es de US$ 15.86 por tonelada tratada. Por lo que nuestra ley de corte operacional es de 13.4 gramos de oro por tonelada de mineral, para un precio del oro muy conservador de $650.00 dólares la onza entonces la ley de equilibrio para la explotación del Oro es de 5.5 gramos Au / TM.
El presente estudio demuestra claramente que mejorarando las operaciones mineras, acondicionando los métodos impirico-practicos a técnicas de ingeniería de minas moderna, con un software informatica, y un gerente proactivo, es posible trabajar minerales de baja ley de Oro.
En la actualidad, CORPORACION MINERA ANANEA S.A. es la encargada de administrar las concesiones de Ana María, atraves del accionariado de Cooperativas Mineras, las cuales de acuerdo a la legislación vigente están en proceso de formalización y son las siguientes:
Cooperativa Minera San Francisco de Rinconada Ltda.
Cooperativa Minera Lunar de Oro Ltda.
Cooperativa Minera Cerro San Francisco Ltda.
With the present Thesis field research shows the increase in production and productivity of underground gold mining operations in the mining Ananea Corporacion SA in the mining concession Ana Maria N° 1, located in the hamlet La Rinconada, between the snowy hill Ananea and San Francisco, in the area called Community 21, Santa Ana and Balcon III to 5,000 m by method of room and pillar mining in the gold cloaks. The characteristic of the groundwater is thin, with an average power of 4 cm., And other thins to powers of 0.2, 0.5 and 0.7 cm., Are smoky quartz mantles, dark gray quartz and quartz crystallized azuláceos quite another feature is that it has abundant pyrite, chalcopyrite, and pyrrhotite, with a mixture of abundant sulfides and oxides of Cu, Ag oxides, galena and sphalerite, with an average grade of 25 g / MT. The method of operation is the “room and pillar with circado“ method is to carry the mantle or reef gold in the hanging wall, to clear the board by tajeos encajonante flat box, with an average height of 1.50 m. leaving the mantle discovered with a small box of slate called “the ore circa“, the same as dispata then. The cycle of mining operations considers farm operations: drilling, blasting, ventilation, maintenance, cleaning, loading and transportation of excavated and ore beneficiation. In the optimization of underground mining operations increased the number of working faces of the company by 57%, in order to more forward, more exploration and production increased, but this increase meant an obvious and consequent rise in costs operation. For the recovery process, the concentrator plant has a capacity to treat 18 tons per day ore. According to reports from the concentrator, you increase the ore milling capacity by 100%, this effect is because up to 30% when increasing extraction fronts to produce higher volumes of ore, while observing a decline of the laws of ore were mined, then the plan's main objective is to improve the operations: “grind higher volume of low grade ore, and make the operation profitable.“ Treatment of a ton of ore concentrator plant is U.S. $ 15.86 per tonne treated. So our operational cutoff is 13.4 grams of gold per tonne of ore, for a very conservative gold price of $ 650.00 an ounce then the law of equilibrium for the exploitation of gold is 5.5 grams Au / TM. This study clearly demonstrates that optimizing mining operations, preparing impirico-practical methods to mining engineering techniques modern, computer software, and proactive manager, you can work low grade ores GoldCurrently, Ananea MINING CORPORATION SA is responsible for administering grants Ana Maria, meaning through the shareholding of Mining Cooperatives, which according to current legislation are in the process of formalization and are as follows:Mining Cooperative Ltd. Rinconada San FranciscoLunar Gold Mining Cooperative Ltd. Cerro San Francisco Mining Cooperative Ltd.
With the present Thesis field research shows the increase in production and productivity of underground gold mining operations in the mining Ananea Corporacion SA in the mining concession Ana Maria N° 1, located in the hamlet La Rinconada, between the snowy hill Ananea and San Francisco, in the area called Community 21, Santa Ana and Balcon III to 5,000 m by method of room and pillar mining in the gold cloaks. The characteristic of the groundwater is thin, with an average power of 4 cm., And other thins to powers of 0.2, 0.5 and 0.7 cm., Are smoky quartz mantles, dark gray quartz and quartz crystallized azuláceos quite another feature is that it has abundant pyrite, chalcopyrite, and pyrrhotite, with a mixture of abundant sulfides and oxides of Cu, Ag oxides, galena and sphalerite, with an average grade of 25 g / MT. The method of operation is the “room and pillar with circado“ method is to carry the mantle or reef gold in the hanging wall, to clear the board by tajeos encajonante flat box, with an average height of 1.50 m. leaving the mantle discovered with a small box of slate called “the ore circa“, the same as dispata then. The cycle of mining operations considers farm operations: drilling, blasting, ventilation, maintenance, cleaning, loading and transportation of excavated and ore beneficiation. In the optimization of underground mining operations increased the number of working faces of the company by 57%, in order to more forward, more exploration and production increased, but this increase meant an obvious and consequent rise in costs operation. For the recovery process, the concentrator plant has a capacity to treat 18 tons per day ore. According to reports from the concentrator, you increase the ore milling capacity by 100%, this effect is because up to 30% when increasing extraction fronts to produce higher volumes of ore, while observing a decline of the laws of ore were mined, then the plan's main objective is to improve the operations: “grind higher volume of low grade ore, and make the operation profitable.“ Treatment of a ton of ore concentrator plant is U.S. $ 15.86 per tonne treated. So our operational cutoff is 13.4 grams of gold per tonne of ore, for a very conservative gold price of $ 650.00 an ounce then the law of equilibrium for the exploitation of gold is 5.5 grams Au / TM. This study clearly demonstrates that optimizing mining operations, preparing impirico-practical methods to mining engineering techniques modern, computer software, and proactive manager, you can work low grade ores GoldCurrently, Ananea MINING CORPORATION SA is responsible for administering grants Ana Maria, meaning through the shareholding of Mining Cooperatives, which according to current legislation are in the process of formalization and are as follows:Mining Cooperative Ltd. Rinconada San FranciscoLunar Gold Mining Cooperative Ltd. Cerro San Francisco Mining Cooperative Ltd.
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Disciplina académico-profesional: Ingeniería de Minas
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería. Facultad de Ingeniería Geológica, Minera y Metalúrgica
Grado o título: Ingeniero de Minas
Fecha de registro: 27-may-2015
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