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Coronado, E., (2007). Manual de gestión de obras [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Coronado, E., Manual de gestión de obras [Tesis]. : Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2007.
title = "Manual de gestión de obras",
author = "Coronado Del Águila, Eduardo",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2007"
Title: Manual de gestión de obras
Authors(s): Coronado Del Águila, Eduardo
Advisor(s): Durán Querol, Rodolfo Martín
Keywords: Gestión de la construcción; Manuales
Issue Date: 2007
Institution: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería
Abstract: El contexto de globalización en el que están desarrollando, no ha sido ajeno a las empresas que brindan servicios de ingeniería y construcción.
Según sostiene la revista especializada América Economía, para las grandes constructoras de América Latina, los 80 fueron años de vacas flacas y, cuando a principios de la década de los 90 el negocio de grandes obras públicas comenzó a mostrar nuevamente señales de vida, éste no era el mismo de antes.
Es que los gobiernos latinoamericanos comprendieron que podían trasladar a las empresas privadas el desarrollo, financiamiento y cobro por el servicio ofrecido.
En pocas palabras las empresas de servicios de ingeniería han tenido que variar radicalmente su enfoque de negocios y aceptar que tenían que aprender nuevas actividades que no estaban acostumbradas a realizar, con el objetivo de poder ampliar sus fuentes de ingresos.
Para poder afrontar este nuevo contexto, las grandes constructoras regionales tuvieron que hacer sendas reingenierías, con la finalidad de adaptar la organización a esta nueva realidad, en el mercado nacional a ocurrido algo similar, Las empresas comprendieron que su supervivencia dependía del saber manejarse con los nuevos márgenes, la situación del entorno exterior de gran competitividad y calidad del servicio, lo que lo obligo a variar sus políticas para definir su gestión estratégica.
La gestión de las obras en el Perú, se ha desarrollado por lo general sobre la base de la experiencia de los profesionales a cargo de estas, a esfuerzos aislados de las empresas constructoras, la de algunas dependencias del estado y la de empresas extranjeras cuando se contó con su participación
Estos aportes han sido trasmitidos en forma personal, de textos en el ámbito académico o manuales producidos para aplicación exclusiva de sus organizaciones.
Si bien es cierto, en muchos casos los manuales por ser de uso interno sus aportes son limitados, no es menos cierto la importancia que estos han tenido y tienen en la gestión de las obras.
Es cierto que, por muy bien estudiado que esté, un Manual de Gestión no podrá contener todos los detalles relativos a todos los elementos que inciden en él, ni prever todas las dificultades que habrá que resolver en el terreno mismo, en cuanto a planeación, organización, puesta en marcha, programación, control, manejo y mucho menos imprevistos y/o vicios ocultos que puedan presentarse, Pero el hecho de contar con el manual significa tener una base racional para su logro, es pues que el valor de este manual reside en la contribución que representara para subsanar las deficiencias que se presentan en la gestión de las obras.
The Context of globalizations in which we are being developed, has not been ignored (has been considered) for the companies that offer services of engineering and construction. According to (it maintains to) the specialized magazine America Economy, for the great constructors of Latin America, the 80’s were terrible years (of skinny cows) and, when at the beginning of the 90’s decade, the public work business great began to show life signals again, this one was not of the beginning(he himself of before). This was because (He is that) the Latin American governments understood that they could transfer to the private companies the development, financing and collection by the offered service. In few words,(Briefly) the companies of services of engineering have had to vary radically their approach of businesses and accept that they had to learn new activities that were not customary to make, with the objective of being able to extend his sources of income. In order to be able to confront this new context, the great regional constructors had to make footpaths re-engineering, with the purpose of adapting the organization to this new reality, in the national market has(to) happened something similar, the companies understood that its survival depended on the knowledge to handle itself with the new margins, the situation of the outer surroundings of great competitiveness and quality of the service, which I force it to vary their policies to define their strategic management. The management of works in Peru, has been developed generally on the base of the experience of the professionals in charge of these, to isolated efforts of the construction companies, (the one of) some dependencies of the State and (the one of) foreign companies when it was counted on his participation. These contributions have been transmitted in personal form, of texts in the academic scope or manual produced for exclusive application of their organizations. Although it is certain, in many cases the manuals for being of internal use their contributions are limited, is not less certain the importance than these have had and have in the management of works. It is certain that, by studied very well that is, a Manual of Management will not be able to contain all the details relative to all the elements that affect him, nor to anticipate all the hidden difficulties that (who) will be to solve in the land same, as (far as) planning, organization, beginning, programming, control, handling and much less unexpected and/or vices which they can appear. But the fact to count on the manual means to have a rational base for its profit is since the possible value of this manual resides in the contribution that can represent to correct the deficiencies that appear in the management of works.
The Context of globalizations in which we are being developed, has not been ignored (has been considered) for the companies that offer services of engineering and construction. According to (it maintains to) the specialized magazine America Economy, for the great constructors of Latin America, the 80’s were terrible years (of skinny cows) and, when at the beginning of the 90’s decade, the public work business great began to show life signals again, this one was not of the beginning(he himself of before). This was because (He is that) the Latin American governments understood that they could transfer to the private companies the development, financing and collection by the offered service. In few words,(Briefly) the companies of services of engineering have had to vary radically their approach of businesses and accept that they had to learn new activities that were not customary to make, with the objective of being able to extend his sources of income. In order to be able to confront this new context, the great regional constructors had to make footpaths re-engineering, with the purpose of adapting the organization to this new reality, in the national market has(to) happened something similar, the companies understood that its survival depended on the knowledge to handle itself with the new margins, the situation of the outer surroundings of great competitiveness and quality of the service, which I force it to vary their policies to define their strategic management. The management of works in Peru, has been developed generally on the base of the experience of the professionals in charge of these, to isolated efforts of the construction companies, (the one of) some dependencies of the State and (the one of) foreign companies when it was counted on his participation. These contributions have been transmitted in personal form, of texts in the academic scope or manual produced for exclusive application of their organizations. Although it is certain, in many cases the manuals for being of internal use their contributions are limited, is not less certain the importance than these have had and have in the management of works. It is certain that, by studied very well that is, a Manual of Management will not be able to contain all the details relative to all the elements that affect him, nor to anticipate all the hidden difficulties that (who) will be to solve in the land same, as (far as) planning, organization, beginning, programming, control, handling and much less unexpected and/or vices which they can appear. But the fact to count on the manual means to have a rational base for its profit is since the possible value of this manual resides in the contribution that can represent to correct the deficiencies that appear in the management of works.
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Discipline: Maestría en Gestión y Administración de la Construcción
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería. Facultad de Ingeniería Civil. Unidad de Posgrado
Grade or title: Maestro en Gestión y Administración de la Construcción
Register date: 4-Sep-2013
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