Bibliographic citations
Villanueva, J., Alata, J. (2011). Análisis y propuesta de una metodología para la determinación del caudal ecológico en centrales hidroeléctricas del Perú, aplicación a un caso típico [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Villanueva, J., Alata, J. Análisis y propuesta de una metodología para la determinación del caudal ecológico en centrales hidroeléctricas del Perú, aplicación a un caso típico [Tesis]. : Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2011.
title = "Análisis y propuesta de una metodología para la determinación del caudal ecológico en centrales hidroeléctricas del Perú, aplicación a un caso típico",
author = "Alata Rey, Josué Eliezer",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2011"
In the different Laws and Regulations of the Perú on the use of the Water (Political Constitution of the Perú, recently promulgated Law of Waters, D.S. 29-94/EM Regulation of environmental Protection in the Electric and other Activities), it is superficialty about the importance of the ecological flow, but it is not determined their should and the quantity that it should be left in the bed of the river for the subsistence of the habitat in the affected area. In the rivers of our Amazonia this problem is irrelevant since they always have abundant flows, still in the low water time, for what in this región difficulties are not presented with the ecological flow, that that if it happens in the coastal rivers, since in some beds the flow is annulled and in the whole time of low water it doesn't have this vital element, causing effects adverse silvícols, ecological and of human health. The Hydroelectric Power stations that are operating and those that will settle in the future in these basins should leave a quantity of water among the taking of reception and the channel of discharge. In the Peru, the Hydroelectric Power stations let a small quantity of water that it demands the Ministry of Agriculture based on the applications that formulate him the scarce and small human seats that you inhabit this places (those that vary among 20 to 40 l/s); everything it without obeying technical and normative approaches. In this work it is sought to elaborate a methodology based on the international experience, in order to calculate the ecological flow that it should leave waters under the reception any Hydroelectric Power station that uses the waters of the coastal rivers of the Peru exactiy. As part practice it was evaluated the hydroelectric power station of Molloco-Arequipa experimentally, starting from mensurations of monthly flows of the river Molloco. Based on the proposed methodology and the obtained results of the case, and like additional contribution of the present work, intends to the normative entity of the Perú that imptements a such specific law that it forces to apply and to respect in all activity national hidroenergy the ecological and environmental condition of the flow. Keywords: Ecological flow, Environment, Habitat, Hydroelectric power, Hydrographic basin, Low water, Desertification, Water quality indicators.
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