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Aguedo, A., (2008). Problemática medioambiental de las canteras de materiales de construcción en Lima [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Aguedo, A., Problemática medioambiental de las canteras de materiales de construcción en Lima [Tesis]. : Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2008.
title = "Problemática medioambiental de las canteras de materiales de construcción en Lima",
author = "Aguedo Morales, Alfredo Ángel",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2008"
Título: Problemática medioambiental de las canteras de materiales de construcción en Lima
Autor(es): Aguedo Morales, Alfredo Ángel
Asesor(es): Vidalón Gálvez, José Andrés
Palabras clave: Minas; Impacto ambiental
Fecha de publicación: 2008
Institución: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería
Resumen: Este trabajo consistió en efectuar un análisis técnico legal de las condiciones de trabajo de las canteras de materiales de construcción que se encuentran ubicadas dentro de las zonas de expansión urbana de los 22 distritos de la provincia de Lima, de los cuales se ha considerado 13 distritos, en una primera instancia se ha determinado la existencia de los derechos mineros del departamento de Lima que están explotando materiales de construcción, luego se ha determinado aquellos que se encuentran en las zonas de expansión urbana de acuerdo a la ordenanza municipal respectiva. El segundo paso consistió en efectuar las inspecciones de campo para determinar las condiciones reales cómo realizan las actividades de explotación, transporte y comercialización, así como el grado de cumplimiento de las normas de seguridad y sus compromisos ambientales según las normas legales vigentes. En el campo se determinó la existencia de canteras que trabajaban en forma clandestina, sin tener derecho minero, en otros casos no tenían la autorización correspondiente, en algunos se verificó la existencia de botaderos de basura como la existencia de chancherías, cuyos animales se alimentaban de la basura que botan en dichas zonas, o que efectuaban la explotación de los materiales de construcción sin criterios técnicos ya que lo que más prevalecía era explotar y comercializar al costo más bajo para obtener mayores ganancias sin importar la contaminación del medio ambiente por la generación de polvo que afecta a los centros poblados que rodeaban a dichas canteras con el consiguiente impacto a los pobladores en especial a los niños que les ocasionan enfermedades en las vías respiratorias, por ser los más sensibles, esta problemática medioambiental se ha vuelto cada vez más crítica ante la posibilidad de encontrar una solución rápida y oportuna por ser de carácter legal, cuyas normas demoran para ser aprobadas por el sector o sectores involucrados como Energía y Minas y los Concejos Municipales Distritales.
También se ha determinado la extensión territorial de cada distrito, para ser comparado con la extensión de los derechos que se encuentran en las zonas de expansión urbana para determinar el área afectada con la consiguiente población que está siendo impactada en forma negativa por la generación de polvo.
Determinadas las condiciones críticas en las cuales realizan la explotación de los diferentes agregados, se está sugiriendo una serie de medidas técnicas así como legales con el fin de remediar, mitigar y eliminar la contaminación ambiental que afecta a las personas de las poblaciones cercanas, a la flora, fauna, y propiedades.
Los sectores llamados a resolver esta problemática ambiental son el sector de Energía y Minas, y los Concejos Municipales Distritales, para que a través de una serie de inspecciones y las resoluciones respectivas se eliminen las explotaciones clandestinas, las chancherías, con el consiguiente decomiso de los animales, así como la eliminación de los botaderos de basura que constituyen focos infectocontagiosos porque producen impactos negativos a las poblaciones cercanas, por la proliferación de los roedores, moscas y los malos olores.
El problema principal para resolver esta problemática medioambiental que está generando la explotación de los materiales de construcción en las zonas de expansión urbana es la poca conciencia ambiental de los titulares de los derechos mineros así como de las autoridades sectoriales mencionadas e inspectores que en algunas ocasiones no hacen cumplir las obligaciones o compromisos ambientales que están contemplados en los Estudios de Impacto Ambiental u otra categoría de estudio.
This work consisted of carrying out a legal technical analysis of the conditions of work of the quarries of construction equipments that are located within the zones of urban expansion of the 22 districts of the province of Lima, of which it has considered 13 districts, in one first instance the existence of the mining rights of the department of Lima has been determined which construction equipments are exploding, soon has determined those that is in the zones of urban expansion according to the respective municipal ordinance. The second step consisted of carrying out field inspection to determine the real conditions to them how they make the operation activities, transports and commercialization, as well as the environmental degree of fulfilments of the security norms and its commitments according to the effective legal norms. In field determined existence of quarries that worked in clandestine form, without straight having miner, in other cases did not have the corresponding authorization, in some verified existence of boaters of sweepings like existence of chanceries, whose animals fed on sweepings that hurls in this zones, or which they carried out the operation of the construction equipments without technical criteria since what it prevailed more it was to explode and to commercialize to the lowest cost to obtain greater gains without concerning the contamination of environment by the dust generation that affects the populated centres that surrounded to these quarries with the consequence impact to the settlers in special to the children who cause diseases to them in the respiratory routes, for being most sensible, this problematic environmental one has become more and more critical before the possibility of finding a fast and opportune solution for being of legal character, whose norms delay to be approved by the Municipal sector or sectors involved like Energy and Mines and Councils Districts. Also the territorial extension of each district has been determined, to be compared with the extension of the rights that are in the zones of urban expansion to determine the area affected with the consequent population that is being hit in negative form by the dust generation. Determined the conditions critics in which they make the operation of the different aggregates, a series of technical as well as legal measures with the purpose of remedying is being suggested, mitigating and to eliminate the environmental contamination that affects the people of the near populations, to the flora, fauna, and properties. The called sectors to solve this problematic environmental one are the sector of Energy and Mines, and the Councils Municipal Districts, so that through a series of inspection and the respective resolutions the clandestine operations are eliminated, chanceries, with the consequent seizure of the animals, as well as the elimination of the boaters of sweepings that constitute contagious infectious centers because they produce negative impacts to the near populations, by the proliferation of the rodents, flies and the bad scents. The main problem to solve this problematic environmental one that is generating the operation of the construction equipments in the zones of urban expansion is the little environmental conscience of the holders of the mining rights as well as of the sectarian mentioned and inspecting authorities that in some occasions do not make fulfil the obligations or environmental commitments that are contemplated in the Studies of Environmental Impact or another category of study.
This work consisted of carrying out a legal technical analysis of the conditions of work of the quarries of construction equipments that are located within the zones of urban expansion of the 22 districts of the province of Lima, of which it has considered 13 districts, in one first instance the existence of the mining rights of the department of Lima has been determined which construction equipments are exploding, soon has determined those that is in the zones of urban expansion according to the respective municipal ordinance. The second step consisted of carrying out field inspection to determine the real conditions to them how they make the operation activities, transports and commercialization, as well as the environmental degree of fulfilments of the security norms and its commitments according to the effective legal norms. In field determined existence of quarries that worked in clandestine form, without straight having miner, in other cases did not have the corresponding authorization, in some verified existence of boaters of sweepings like existence of chanceries, whose animals fed on sweepings that hurls in this zones, or which they carried out the operation of the construction equipments without technical criteria since what it prevailed more it was to explode and to commercialize to the lowest cost to obtain greater gains without concerning the contamination of environment by the dust generation that affects the populated centres that surrounded to these quarries with the consequence impact to the settlers in special to the children who cause diseases to them in the respiratory routes, for being most sensible, this problematic environmental one has become more and more critical before the possibility of finding a fast and opportune solution for being of legal character, whose norms delay to be approved by the Municipal sector or sectors involved like Energy and Mines and Councils Districts. Also the territorial extension of each district has been determined, to be compared with the extension of the rights that are in the zones of urban expansion to determine the area affected with the consequent population that is being hit in negative form by the dust generation. Determined the conditions critics in which they make the operation of the different aggregates, a series of technical as well as legal measures with the purpose of remedying is being suggested, mitigating and to eliminate the environmental contamination that affects the people of the near populations, to the flora, fauna, and properties. The called sectors to solve this problematic environmental one are the sector of Energy and Mines, and the Councils Municipal Districts, so that through a series of inspection and the respective resolutions the clandestine operations are eliminated, chanceries, with the consequent seizure of the animals, as well as the elimination of the boaters of sweepings that constitute contagious infectious centers because they produce negative impacts to the near populations, by the proliferation of the rodents, flies and the bad scents. The main problem to solve this problematic environmental one that is generating the operation of the construction equipments in the zones of urban expansion is the little environmental conscience of the holders of the mining rights as well as of the sectarian mentioned and inspecting authorities that in some occasions do not make fulfil the obligations or environmental commitments that are contemplated in the Studies of Environmental Impact or another category of study.
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Disciplina académico-profesional: Maestría en Ciencias con Mención en Minería y Medio Ambiente
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería. Facultad de Ingeniería Geológica, Minera y Metalúrgica. Unidad de Posgrado
Grado o título: Maestro en Ciencias con Mención en Minería y Medio Ambiente
Fecha de registro: 4-sep-2013
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