Citas bibligráficas
Ignacio, R., (2022). Síndrome metabólico y consumo de alimentos ultraprocesados en los trabajadores de una cadena de botica, Huancayo 2022 [Universidad Privada de Huancayo Franklin Roosevelt].
Ignacio, R., Síndrome metabólico y consumo de alimentos ultraprocesados en los trabajadores de una cadena de botica, Huancayo 2022 []. PE: Universidad Privada de Huancayo Franklin Roosevelt; 2022.
title = "Síndrome metabólico y consumo de alimentos ultraprocesados en los trabajadores de una cadena de botica, Huancayo 2022",
author = "Ignacio Vilchez, Rosana Mayumi",
publisher = "Universidad Privada de Huancayo Franklin Roosevelt",
year = "2022"
The objective of this research was to establish the relationship between metabolic syndrome and the consumption of ultra-processed foods in the workers of a chain of drugstores. The research is of a basic type with descriptive characteristics, the study design is non-experimental, of transversal observational type, the sample with which we worked was of 132 workers. The results show that 13.6% of those surveyed do not consume canned food, which represents 36.5% with a normal BMI indicator. It was concluded that there is a significant direct relationship between metabolic syndrome and the consumption of ultra-processed foods in the workers of a chain of drugstores, which indicates that the intake of these products in the diet can affect nutritional status.
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