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Espíritu, Y., (2022). Uso de las TIC y Tecnoestrés en los docentes de primaria [Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades (UCH)].
Espíritu, Y., Uso de las TIC y Tecnoestrés en los docentes de primaria []. PE: Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades (UCH); 2022.
title = "Uso de las TIC y Tecnoestrés en los docentes de primaria",
author = "Espíritu Romero, Yosselin Briggie",
publisher = "Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades (UCH)",
year = "2022"
Título: Uso de las TIC y Tecnoestrés en los docentes de primaria
Autor(es): Espíritu Romero, Yosselin Briggie
Asesor(es): Gonzales Choquehuanca, Elvis Eleodoro
Palabras clave: Tecnología de la información; Estrés; Docente; Enseñanza primaria; Educación básica
Campo OCDE:
Fecha de publicación: 2022
Institución: Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades (UCH)
Resumen: El sector educativo, con la llegada del Coronavirus, tuvo que ajustarse de forma
repentina al uso de las tecnologías de la información y comunicación (TIC) para
proseguir con las clases. Esto provocó que los docentes desarrollaran un estrés
denominado tecnoestrés, debido a la falta de recursos laborales, habilidades
tecnológicas (recursos personales) y sobrecarga. Por tal motivo, el objetivo de la
investigación fue identificar la relación entre el uso de las TIC y el tecnoestrés. El
enfoque del estudio es cuantitativo de tipo no experimental y de nivel descriptivo
correlacional, la muestra fue de 81 docentes de primaria (64 mujeres y 17 varones) de
escuelas públicas del distrito de Comas (Lima - Perú).
Para el recojo de información se elaboraron y aplicaron dos cuestionarios (Escala
del uso de las TIC y del tecnoestrés), se empleó el programa Statistical Package for
the Social Sciences para analizar los datos. A partir del análisis se obtuvieron los
siguientes resultados: En el uso de las TIC, los docentes presentaron una media de 3.39
próximo a la categoría “A veces”; esto indica que usan las TIC de forma regular, en el
tecnoestrés la media fue 3.35 próximo a la categoría “Ni de acuerdo ni en desacuerdo”,
asumiendo que están en un nivel intermedio, ya que no afirman ni niegan estar tecno
estresados. En conclusión, el uso de las TIC tiene una relación negativa, moderada y
significativa con el tecnoestrés.
After the arrival of Coronavirus pandemic, Education area, suddenly and immediately had to adjust to the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) to continue with classes. This caused teachers to develop a stress called technostress due to the lack of technological skills (personals resources) and laborals resources and work overload. For this reason, the aim of the research was to identify the relationship between the use of ICT and techno-stress. The study´s approach is quantitative, non-experimental and descriptive – correlational level, whose sample was made up of 81 primary school teachers (64 women and 17 men) from public schools in Comas district (Lima – Peru). To collect the information, two questionnaries were made and applied (ICT use scale and techno-stress scale) and the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences was used to analyze the data. From the analysis, the following results were obtained: in the use of ITC, teachers presented an average of 3.39, closed to the category “Sometimes”, that means that they use ICTs on a regular basis and in techno-stress the average was 3.35, close to the category “Neither agree or disagree”, so it is assumed that they are at an intermediate level since they do not claim or deny being techno-stressed. To sum up, the use of ICt has a negative, moderate and significant relationship with techno-stress.
After the arrival of Coronavirus pandemic, Education area, suddenly and immediately had to adjust to the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) to continue with classes. This caused teachers to develop a stress called technostress due to the lack of technological skills (personals resources) and laborals resources and work overload. For this reason, the aim of the research was to identify the relationship between the use of ICT and techno-stress. The study´s approach is quantitative, non-experimental and descriptive – correlational level, whose sample was made up of 81 primary school teachers (64 women and 17 men) from public schools in Comas district (Lima – Peru). To collect the information, two questionnaries were made and applied (ICT use scale and techno-stress scale) and the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences was used to analyze the data. From the analysis, the following results were obtained: in the use of ITC, teachers presented an average of 3.39, closed to the category “Sometimes”, that means that they use ICTs on a regular basis and in techno-stress the average was 3.35, close to the category “Neither agree or disagree”, so it is assumed that they are at an intermediate level since they do not claim or deny being techno-stressed. To sum up, the use of ICt has a negative, moderate and significant relationship with techno-stress.
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Disciplina académico-profesional: Educación Primaria e Interculturalidad
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales
Grado o título: Licenciado en Educación Primaria e Interculturalidad
Jurado: Cotrina Portal, Roberto; Galindo Ynga, Diana Mercedes; Del Rosario Peña, Hugo
Fecha de registro: 3-jun-2022
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