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Flores, A., (2022). El sindrome de alienacion parental y la variacion de la tenencia en el Perú 2022. [Universidad Peruana de Las Américas].
Flores, A., El sindrome de alienacion parental y la variacion de la tenencia en el Perú 2022. []. PE: Universidad Peruana de Las Américas; 2022.
title = "El sindrome de alienacion parental y la variacion de la tenencia en el Perú 2022.",
author = "Flores Quesada, Ana Giovanna",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Las Américas",
year = "2022"
Título: El sindrome de alienacion parental y la variacion de la tenencia en el Perú 2022.
Autor(es): Flores Quesada, Ana Giovanna
Asesor(es): Oyarce Yuzzelli, Aaron
Palabras clave: Síndrome de Alienación Parental; Alienación Parental.; Variación de la tenencia; Interés superior del niño
Campo OCDE:
Fecha de publicación: 8-nov-2022
Institución: Universidad Peruana de Las Américas
Resumen: La presente investigación tiene como punto central al Síndrome de Alienación Parental en adelante por sus siglas: SAP, como causal de variación de la tenencia en el Perú y en el mundo entero; habiéndose establecido es maltrato psicológico por instrumentos internacionales que forman parte del ordenamiento jurídico.
El SAP es según R. Gardner (1991) es creado por el padre o la madre del menor que es visto como trofeo, generando en él un trastorno, que se percibe en su inicio cuando el niño inicia una campaña injustificada de denigración contra su progenitor. En esta combinación de lavado de cerebro (adoctrinamiento) en el que tiene parte activa el progenitor alienante, llega a su objetivo cuando el menor alienado de manera persona contribuye para vilipendiar al padre alienado. Lo descrito ocurre en durante la ruptura de la unión de hecho o divorcio de la pareja.
Gardner también recalcó hay casos en donde la animosidad del menor contra uno de sus padres es justificada, esto se da por ejemplo en casos de maltrato y abuso sexual.
Causa confusión la similitud entre los términos fenómeno de Alienación Parental y Síndrome de Alienación Parental, en adelante (AP) y (SAP), gran parte de las veces se usan indistintamente, vale aclarar que su creador hizo diferencia entre ellos desde el inicio; el primero se refiere a la acción alienadora, a la campaña de difamación del progenitor alienador, que siendo detectada oportunamente puede ser solucionada con terapia; en el SAP se habla del trastorno ya presente en la ente del menor, que le hace al vástago tener producción propia en contra del progenitor alienado.
El SAP es un fenómeno que distorsiona a la familia y por extensión a la sociedad, se habla de este como un fenómeno psico-juridico que compete a las ciencias de salud mental y derecho, principalmente; a pesar de haber transcurrido algo más de tres décadas de su aparición, gracias a su creador y descubridor Richard Gardner (psiquiatra) a mediados de los ochentas, aún hay escaza literatura y mucho por aportar, para poder tener un mejor entendimiento, tratamiento y difusión.
Actualmente el SAP no ha sido reconocido como tal, por el Manual de Diagnóstico y Estadísticos de los Trastornos Mentales de la Asociación Estadounidense de Psiquiatría – 5, en adelante (DSM-5), así mismo no se considera en la Clasificación Estadística Internacional de Enfermedades y Problemas Relacionados con la salud-11, en adelante (CIE-11) recomendada por la Organización Mundial de la Salud, vigente desde el 1 de enero de 2022.
Por lo descrito en el párrafo anterior, esto hace que sean pocos los países que contienen al SAP en su legislación de manera taxativa, aun así se resuelve teniendo como guía y principio “el interés superior del niño”, esperemos que en poco tiempo se logre uniformizar el abordaje en el ámbito judicial.
Se presenta en la investigación, antecedentes y legislación nacional e internacional, así como jurisprudencia nacional que data desde el año dos mil diecinueve (2009), todas ellas reforzando la posición de que la variación de la tenencia es un remedio a la vulneración del derecho de los vástagos a disfrutar de ambos padres y de su familia extensa.
The present investigation has as its central point the Parental Alienation Syndrome, hereinafter by its acronym: SAP, as a cause of variation of possession in Perú and in the whole world; having established is psychological abuse by international instruments that are part of the legal system. The SAP is according to R. Gardner (1991) it is created by the father or mother of the minor who is seen as a trophy, generating in him a disorder, which is perceived at the beginning when the child initiates an unjustified campaign of denigration against his parent. In this combination of brainwashing (indoctrination) in which the alienating parent has an active part, it reaches its goal when the personally alienated minor contributes to vilifying the alienated parent. The described occurs during the breakdown of the de facto union or divorce of the couple. Gardner also stressed that there are cases where the animosity of the minor against one of her parents is justified, this occurs, for example, in cases of mistreatment and sexual abuse. The similarity between the terms Parental Alienation phenomenon, from now on (AP) and PAS, causes confusion, most of the time they are used indistinctly, it is worth clarifying that their creator made a difference between them from the beginning; the first refers to the alienating action, to the defamation campaign of the alienating parent, which, if detected in a timely manner, can be resolved with therapy; SAP speaks of the disorder already present in the entity of the minor, which makes the offspring have its own production against the alienated parent. The PAS is a phenomenon that distorts the family and by extension to society, it is spoken of as a psycho-legal phenomenon that is the responsibility of the sciences of mental health and law, mainly; Despite the fact that more than three decades have elapsed since its appearance, thanks to its creator and discoverer Richard Gardner (psychiatrist) in the mid-eighties, there is still little literature and much to contribute, in order to have a better understanding, treatment and dissemination. Currently PAS has not been recognized as such by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders of the American Psychiatric Association – 5, hereinafter (DSM-5), and it is not considered in the International Statistical Classification of Diseases. and Health-Related Problems-11, hereinafter (ICD-11) recommended by the World Health Organization, effective as of January 1, 2022. Due to what is described in the previous paragraph, this means that there are few countries that contain the Parental Alienation Syndrome in their regulatory framework in an exhaustive manner, even so it is resolved having as a guide and principle “the best interests of the child“, we hope that in a short time it will be possible to standardize the approach in the judicial field. It is presented in the investigation, antecedents and national and international legislation, as well as national jurisprudence dating from the year two thousand and nineteen (2009), all of them reinforcing the position that the variation of tenure is a remedy for the violation of the right of the offspring to enjoy both parents and their extended family.
The present investigation has as its central point the Parental Alienation Syndrome, hereinafter by its acronym: SAP, as a cause of variation of possession in Perú and in the whole world; having established is psychological abuse by international instruments that are part of the legal system. The SAP is according to R. Gardner (1991) it is created by the father or mother of the minor who is seen as a trophy, generating in him a disorder, which is perceived at the beginning when the child initiates an unjustified campaign of denigration against his parent. In this combination of brainwashing (indoctrination) in which the alienating parent has an active part, it reaches its goal when the personally alienated minor contributes to vilifying the alienated parent. The described occurs during the breakdown of the de facto union or divorce of the couple. Gardner also stressed that there are cases where the animosity of the minor against one of her parents is justified, this occurs, for example, in cases of mistreatment and sexual abuse. The similarity between the terms Parental Alienation phenomenon, from now on (AP) and PAS, causes confusion, most of the time they are used indistinctly, it is worth clarifying that their creator made a difference between them from the beginning; the first refers to the alienating action, to the defamation campaign of the alienating parent, which, if detected in a timely manner, can be resolved with therapy; SAP speaks of the disorder already present in the entity of the minor, which makes the offspring have its own production against the alienated parent. The PAS is a phenomenon that distorts the family and by extension to society, it is spoken of as a psycho-legal phenomenon that is the responsibility of the sciences of mental health and law, mainly; Despite the fact that more than three decades have elapsed since its appearance, thanks to its creator and discoverer Richard Gardner (psychiatrist) in the mid-eighties, there is still little literature and much to contribute, in order to have a better understanding, treatment and dissemination. Currently PAS has not been recognized as such by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders of the American Psychiatric Association – 5, hereinafter (DSM-5), and it is not considered in the International Statistical Classification of Diseases. and Health-Related Problems-11, hereinafter (ICD-11) recommended by the World Health Organization, effective as of January 1, 2022. Due to what is described in the previous paragraph, this means that there are few countries that contain the Parental Alienation Syndrome in their regulatory framework in an exhaustive manner, even so it is resolved having as a guide and principle “the best interests of the child“, we hope that in a short time it will be possible to standardize the approach in the judicial field. It is presented in the investigation, antecedents and national and international legislation, as well as national jurisprudence dating from the year two thousand and nineteen (2009), all of them reinforcing the position that the variation of tenure is a remedy for the violation of the right of the offspring to enjoy both parents and their extended family.
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Disciplina académico-profesional: Derecho
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Universidad Peruana de Las Américas. Facultad de Derecho
Grado o título: Abogado
Jurado: Morales Gallo, Martin Augusto; Pantigozo Loaiza, Marco Hernán; Serna Santos, Yacky
Fecha de registro: 8-nov-2022
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