Citas bibligráficas
Huamani, A., (2022). Control del presupuesto y su incidencia en la liquidez de la empresa Corporación Rovelsur S.A.C. Chorrillos 2020 [Universidad Peruana de Las Américas].
Huamani, A., Control del presupuesto y su incidencia en la liquidez de la empresa Corporación Rovelsur S.A.C. Chorrillos 2020 []. PE: Universidad Peruana de Las Américas; 2022.
title = "Control del presupuesto y su incidencia en la liquidez de la empresa Corporación Rovelsur S.A.C. Chorrillos 2020",
author = "Huamani Mayhuire, Aydee",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Las Américas",
year = "2022"
The main objective of this research is to determine how budget control affects the liquidity of Company Corporation Rovelsur S.A.C. 2020, focuses on the control of the company's budget and seeks to determine the impact that it may cause to the liquidity of Corporation Rovelsur S.A.C. The methodology that was applied was basic type of correlational descriptive level, quantitative approach, and non-experimental design, the technique that was obtained to collect information and data was through the survey through a questionnaire that consists of 22 questions that were surveyed 20 workers of the company Corporación Rovelsur SAC, after obtaining the information, the results are processed using the statistical program SPSS version 26 and each result is analyzed with frequencies and percentages in a descriptive way, and the hypotheses proposed are verified, finally It is concluded that budget control has a significant impact on the liquidity of Empresa Corporación Rovelsur SAC 2020, with a level of sig. 0.000 and with a correlation level of 0.769 with a proportional positive sign between budget control and liquidity, which indicates that the controls exercised by the company directly affect liquidity, so if adequate controls are applied to the budget, you will obtain positive indices in the liquidity of the Corporation.
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