Citas bibligráficas
Bermudez, D., (2022). La aplicabilidad de la privación de libertad para los autores de delito de agresiones contra mujeres, Lima Este, 2020 - 2022 [Universidad Peruana de Las Américas].
Bermudez, D., La aplicabilidad de la privación de libertad para los autores de delito de agresiones contra mujeres, Lima Este, 2020 - 2022 []. PE: Universidad Peruana de Las Américas; 2022.
title = "La aplicabilidad de la privación de libertad para los autores de delito de agresiones contra mujeres, Lima Este, 2020 - 2022",
author = "Bermudez Barrueta, David Emmanuel",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Las Américas",
year = "2022"
This Research Thesis entitled: “The Effective Application of the Deprivation of Liberty for Aggressors against women, in the Judicial District of Lima Este, between the years 2020 - 2022“; the objective is to explain about the main negative implications that are generated from the lack of an adequate interpretation and application of the punitive classification of the crime of Assaults against women, in the aforementioned jurisdiction; having been developed based on the methodological type applied with both an explanatory and descriptive level, with a Descriptive and Correlational design, with a mixed qualitative and quantitative analysis method, having carried out the field study based on the documentary analysis of two criminal jurisprudence, about cases related to aggressions suffered by women as victims of family violence; Bearing in mind that based on the comparison made between the quantitative results of the surveys applied to the sample of 75 legal-criminal operators in East Lima, and the data resulting from the jurisprudential analysis carried out, it was finally possible to obtain a Spearman rho coefficient of 0.746, and based on what was provided with the documentary / jurisprudential analysis carried out; reaching the conclusion that there are recurrent problems in the interpretation of the corresponding criminal law by the Criminal Judges, who apply benign and excessively guaranteeing criteria that determine in the vast majority of sentences, the acquittal of the aggressors, and in certain cases between the who receive minimum sentences of 1 year in prison and in some who have been conditioned to pay ridiculous economic reparations so as not to go to prison, for which reason effective prison sentences have not been applied against the high incidence of aggressors of women.
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