Citas bibligráficas
Zevallos, R., (2022). El impacto del costo en la rentabilidad de la empresa Laboratorio Farmacéutico Peruano S.R.L. Lima 2021 [Universidad Peruana de Las Américas].
Zevallos, R., El impacto del costo en la rentabilidad de la empresa Laboratorio Farmacéutico Peruano S.R.L. Lima 2021 []. PE: Universidad Peruana de Las Américas; 2022.
title = "El impacto del costo en la rentabilidad de la empresa Laboratorio Farmacéutico Peruano S.R.L. Lima 2021",
author = "Zevallos Cula, Risthian Ricardo",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Las Américas",
year = "2022"
This research work seeks to demonstrate the impact of costs on profitability; the Peruvian pharmaceutical company S.R.L. In its production process, it is important to avoid the excessive use of resources, so that each resource can be used to the maximum, which will give us better results, a correct determination of the sale price will be reflected in the profit obtained in each period, the management of the administration and its decision making is fundamental, each area within the company must have the knowledge and training for optimal performance which will be reflected in the profitability obtained in each loss, it is important to be aware of the behavior and Of the constantly changing factors, we concluded that it is necessary to identify unnecessary costs and eliminate them so that they do not harm the profitability performance. Applied research – descriptive; the design is of type, not experimental - cross-sectional and simple descriptive. The population is made up of 26 people in charge of the management area, purchasing personnel, accounting, production, billing, sales and warehouse. And the sample is made up of 26 people. The type of sample was probabilistic The techniques for data collection was the survey. The instrument was the questionnaire. Data processing techniques were applied. Data processing techniques were applied: ordering and classification, manual registration, computerized process with Excel. The most relevant result is that 90 percent of those surveyed accept how cost impacts profitability.
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