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Espinoza, J., (2022). El impacto tributario en las microempresas del Perú por el COVID-19 [Universidad Peruana de Las Américas].
Espinoza, J., El impacto tributario en las microempresas del Perú por el COVID-19 []. PE: Universidad Peruana de Las Américas; 2022.
title = "El impacto tributario en las microempresas del Perú por el COVID-19",
author = "Espinoza Huaycama, Juan Felipe",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Las Américas",
year = "2022"
Título: El impacto tributario en las microempresas del Perú por el COVID-19
Autor(es): Espinoza Huaycama, Juan Felipe
Asesor(es): Lucas Diego, Mercedes
Palabras clave: Impuestos; Análisis y obligaciones tributarias; Pandemia
Campo OCDE:
Fecha de publicación: 12-ago-2022
Institución: Universidad Peruana de Las Américas
Resumen: El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como principal objetivo el análisis y estudio sobre si la
pandemia originada por el covid-19 que es provocada por el virus SARSCoV-2 llega a impactar en las actividades empresariales y su cultura en el aspecto tributario de las Pymes en el Perú en el año 2020.
Medir el impacto en las estrategias que aplican las Mypes en sus promociones, en la distribución de mercaderías o productos, gestión personal, gestión tributaria y como el Estado con los programas de actividad económica como “Reactiva Perú” logra generar estabilidad económica. Debemos tomar como dato importante que en el Perú con cifras de acuerdo de la Enaho (Encuesta Nacional de Hogares) del INEI dio como resultado que, en el 2020, en el Perú dentro del margen de empresas las Mypes llegaron a ser 95% de las empresas peruanas y llegaron a emplear un 26.6% de la PEA que comparando con el 2019 sufrió una caída de 21.2% de la PEA que laboro en ese periodo. Respecto a las ventas disminuyo un 59.2% frente a lo reportado en el 2019 equivalente a un 8% del PBI. Todo esto por el cierre masivo, reducción de demanda y por las medidas adoptadas por el Estado para frenar el brote del Covid-19 Para finalizar se tomó como referencias bibliográficas, artículos de revistas y de libros, normas legales como los Decretos de urgencia o Supremos donde se toman acciones laborales y tributarias dentro de la etapa de confinamiento que el Estado dicto. Por tal la hipótesis final es que la Pandemia por el Covid- 19 llevo a impactar en las actividades empresariales y su cultura en el aspecto tributario de las Pymes durante el año 2020.
The main objective of this research work is to analyze and study whether the pandemic caused by covid-19 that is caused by the SARSCoV-2 virus has an impact on business activities and their culture in the tax aspect of SMEs in Peru in the year 2020. Measure the impact on the strategies applied by SMEs in their promotions, in the distribution of goods or products, personal management, tax management and how the State with economic activity programs such as “Reactiva Perú“ achieves generate economic stability. We must take as an important fact that in Peru, with figures in accordance with the Enaho (National Household Survey) of the INEI, the result was that, in 2020, SMEs represented 95% of Peruvian companies and employed 26.6% of the EAP, which compared to 2019, suffered a drop of 21.2% in the EAP that worked in that period. Regarding sales, it decreased by 59.2% compared to what was reported in 2019, equivalent to 8% of GDP. All this due to the massive closure, demand reduction and the measures adopted by the State to stop the Covid-19 outbreak Finally, it was taken as bibliographic references, magazine and book articles, legal norms such as Emergency or Supreme Decrees where labor and tax actions are taken within the confinement stage that the State dictated. Therefore, the final hypothesis is that the Covid-19 Pandemic led to an impact on business activities and their culture in the tax aspect of SMEs during 2020.
The main objective of this research work is to analyze and study whether the pandemic caused by covid-19 that is caused by the SARSCoV-2 virus has an impact on business activities and their culture in the tax aspect of SMEs in Peru in the year 2020. Measure the impact on the strategies applied by SMEs in their promotions, in the distribution of goods or products, personal management, tax management and how the State with economic activity programs such as “Reactiva Perú“ achieves generate economic stability. We must take as an important fact that in Peru, with figures in accordance with the Enaho (National Household Survey) of the INEI, the result was that, in 2020, SMEs represented 95% of Peruvian companies and employed 26.6% of the EAP, which compared to 2019, suffered a drop of 21.2% in the EAP that worked in that period. Regarding sales, it decreased by 59.2% compared to what was reported in 2019, equivalent to 8% of GDP. All this due to the massive closure, demand reduction and the measures adopted by the State to stop the Covid-19 outbreak Finally, it was taken as bibliographic references, magazine and book articles, legal norms such as Emergency or Supreme Decrees where labor and tax actions are taken within the confinement stage that the State dictated. Therefore, the final hypothesis is that the Covid-19 Pandemic led to an impact on business activities and their culture in the tax aspect of SMEs during 2020.
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Disciplina académico-profesional: Contabilidad y Finanzas
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Universidad Peruana de Las Américas. Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales
Grado o título: Contador público
Jurado: Castillo Pebes, Roberto Javier; Garcia De Saavedra, Juana Rosa; Ponce Canales, Javier Marcial
Fecha de registro: 12-ago-2022; 12-ago-2022
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