Bibliographic citations
Nuñez, D., (2024). Evaluación y propuesta para optimizar flujo vehicular en intersección de avenidas Chinchaysuyo con Fitzcarrald y Víctor Raúl Haya de la Torre en provincia de Chiclayo 2021 [Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo].
Nuñez, D., Evaluación y propuesta para optimizar flujo vehicular en intersección de avenidas Chinchaysuyo con Fitzcarrald y Víctor Raúl Haya de la Torre en provincia de Chiclayo 2021 []. PE: Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo; 2024.
title = "Evaluación y propuesta para optimizar flujo vehicular en intersección de avenidas Chinchaysuyo con Fitzcarrald y Víctor Raúl Haya de la Torre en provincia de Chiclayo 2021",
author = "Nuñez Constantino, Darwin Marino",
publisher = "Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo",
year = "2024"
Throughout the years, the increase in vehicles has been notorious in Peru, in the same way in its cities and this project is developed in the province of Chiclayo, precisely in a very busy road intersection between Chinchaysuyo avenue with Fitzcarrald avenue and Víctor Raul avenue. Haya de la Torre. In this intersection, traffic congestion is generated, this can be evidenced in the queues of vehicles and the excessive delay that is generated to cross an avenue, especially at peak times. Taking into account this problem and focusing on Traffic Engineering, which seeks planning, design and mainly seeks a solution to improve traffic flow. The research will focus on analyzing said intersection, developing a traffic study, topographic survey, with these studies a new geometric design is developed, with this a vehicular simulation is also made. At the result of all the data, two proposals will be evaluated and it will be determined which is the most convenient for said intersection and a modeling will be elaborated using the Synchro 8 simulation program.
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