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Quispe, J., (2022). La valoración de los criterios para efectuar la prisión preventiva, Lima 2021 [Universidad Peruana de Las Américas].
Quispe, J., La valoración de los criterios para efectuar la prisión preventiva, Lima 2021 []. PE: Universidad Peruana de Las Américas; 2022.
title = "La valoración de los criterios para efectuar la prisión preventiva, Lima 2021",
author = "Quispe Cueva, José Raul",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Las Américas",
year = "2022"
Título: La valoración de los criterios para efectuar la prisión preventiva, Lima 2021
Autor(es): Quispe Cueva, José Raul
Asesor(es): Pantigozo Loaiza, Marco Hernan
Palabras clave: Prisión preventiva; Criterios; Proceso legal
Campo OCDE:
Fecha de publicación: 7-jun-2022
Institución: Universidad Peruana de Las Américas
Resumen: La presente investigación tuvo como intención el poder determinar la influencia de la valoración de los criterios en la decisión de efectuar la prisión preventiva, Lima, 2021. Ante un sistema penitenciario en pésimas condiciones, se hizo una revisión entre los factores que ocasionan este mal estado. El uso indiscriminado de la prisión preventiva como recurso para continuar con los procesos legales sin complicaciones ha ocasionado que actualmente las cárceles no puedan dar abasto a todos los presos, donde muchos de estos han sido recluidos de manera arbitraria, atentando contra sus derechos. Para este estudio se realizó mediante un enfoque cuantitativo, con un tipo de investigación básico y de nivel correlacional causal. Como instrumento de recolección de información se desarrolló un cuestionario de 34 preguntas con opciones de respuesta según la escala de Likert. Los resultados obtenidos fueron clasificados en el Software estadístico SPSS v21, de donde se pudieron obtener las correlaciones. Finalmente se pudo determinar que la valoración de los criterios influye en la prisión preventiva, afirmación que se validó con la correlación de Spearman, obteniendo un valor 0,757, el cual se clasifica como “Alto” en la escala de Spearman.
The purpose of this research was to determine the influence of the evaluation of the criteria in the decision to carry out pretrial detention, Lima, 2021. Faced with a penitentiary system in terrible conditions, a review was made of the factors that cause this poor state of affairs. The indiscriminate use of pretrial detention as a resource to continue with legal processes without complications has caused prisons to be unable to accommodate all prisoners, where many of them have been arbitrarily detained, violating their rights. This study was carried out using a quantitative approach, with a basic type of research and a causal correlational level. A 34-question questionnaire with response options according to the Likert scale was developed as a data collection instrument. The results obtained were classified in the SPSS v21 statistical software, from which correlations could be obtained. Finally, it was possible to determine that the evaluation of the criteria influences pretrial detention, a statement that was validated with the Spearman correlation, obtaining a value of 0.757, which is classified as “High“ on the Spearman scale.
The purpose of this research was to determine the influence of the evaluation of the criteria in the decision to carry out pretrial detention, Lima, 2021. Faced with a penitentiary system in terrible conditions, a review was made of the factors that cause this poor state of affairs. The indiscriminate use of pretrial detention as a resource to continue with legal processes without complications has caused prisons to be unable to accommodate all prisoners, where many of them have been arbitrarily detained, violating their rights. This study was carried out using a quantitative approach, with a basic type of research and a causal correlational level. A 34-question questionnaire with response options according to the Likert scale was developed as a data collection instrument. The results obtained were classified in the SPSS v21 statistical software, from which correlations could be obtained. Finally, it was possible to determine that the evaluation of the criteria influences pretrial detention, a statement that was validated with the Spearman correlation, obtaining a value of 0.757, which is classified as “High“ on the Spearman scale.
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Disciplina académico-profesional: Derecho
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Universidad Peruana de Las Américas. Facultad de Derecho
Grado o título: Abogado
Jurado: Villanueva De La Cruz, Manuel Benigno; Morales Gallo, Martin Augusto; Perez Lopez, Jorge Adalberto
Fecha de registro: 7-jun-2022; 7-jun-2022
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