Citas bibligráficas
Vera, G., Gamarra, A., Briones, K. (2022). La presunción pater is est y el derecho al reconocimiento de la identidad y filiación en el Distrito de Lince, 2021 [Universidad Peruana de Las Américas].
Vera, G., Gamarra, A., Briones, K. La presunción pater is est y el derecho al reconocimiento de la identidad y filiación en el Distrito de Lince, 2021 []. PE: Universidad Peruana de Las Américas; 2022.
title = "La presunción pater is est y el derecho al reconocimiento de la identidad y filiación en el Distrito de Lince, 2021",
author = "Briones Cordova, Karen Elizabeth",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Las Américas",
year = "2022"
This thesis is titled presumption pater is est and right all recognition of filiation and identity in the District of Lince, 2021“, which aims to determine the relationship between the presumption according to which every child of a woman The married woman has the husband or husband as her father and the close relationship to the right to guardianship of the right of people to identity and their recognition of filiation, identifying its legal effects in the national reality and its links with other rights. The research is basic with a level descriptive-Correlational, of a non-experimental-transactional design and a qualitative approach, the sampling is based on surveys of magistrates, judicial personnel and litigating lawyers who know the area of Family Law and Constitutional Law, allowing to achieve the objectives of the investigation. The instruments used were questionnaires whose function was to measure variables of the thesis, obtaining as a result the significant relationship between the presumption pater is est and the right to recognition of identity and filiation, evidencing an important legal gap between the norm and the Peruvian reality that derives from violations of children's right to true biological recognition for the sake of modern law.
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