Citas bibligráficas
Carranza, A., (2024). La seguridad social de las personas mayores ¿Qué deben hacer los Estados? [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Carranza, A., La seguridad social de las personas mayores ¿Qué deben hacer los Estados? []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2024.
title = "La seguridad social de las personas mayores ¿Qué deben hacer los Estados?",
author = "Carranza Acevedo, Andrea Renata",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2024"
When social security is associated with the elderly, it is commonly thought of as pensions and/or primary health care, which is also currently projected in the regulations and public policies of various States. Even the benefits offered by social security are reduced when the beneficiaries intend to be elderly people; as if, just because of the age, people had to accept living with lack of autonomy and independence. Therefore, this research work, based on a review of the concept of social security and its place in human rights protection systems, aims to determine what measures a State must adopt to guarantee the right to social security for the elderly. This proposal has also been made considering an approach that includes their particular needs, a gerontological approach; but also, a human development approach (capabilities), taking into account that older persons are entitled to rights and are not objects of protection. In this way, it is concluded that States should include in the framework of their social security schemes for the elderly not only a universal pension system, but also social and health services integrated with a comprehensive care system (long-term care, community and residential care, home care, and palliative care), as well as measures for adequate housing and technical support for independent living.
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