Bibliographic citations
Morán, M., (2021). Los derechos vulnerados de los administrados y la desnaturalización de la figura de medidas correctivas a propósito del análisis y estudio de las medidas correctivas interpuestas por el regulador de telecomunicaciones OSIPTEL [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Morán, M., Los derechos vulnerados de los administrados y la desnaturalización de la figura de medidas correctivas a propósito del análisis y estudio de las medidas correctivas interpuestas por el regulador de telecomunicaciones OSIPTEL []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2021.
title = "Los derechos vulnerados de los administrados y la desnaturalización de la figura de medidas correctivas a propósito del análisis y estudio de las medidas correctivas interpuestas por el regulador de telecomunicaciones OSIPTEL",
author = "Morán Cervantes, María Claudia",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2021"
One of the most innovative and popular mechanisms of public administration to influence the legal sphere of the administered is corrective measures; however, they are the subject of constant comments and criticism. In addition to this, it is in the field of telecommunications that it observes the greatest number of imposed measures, despite the fact that the regulation does not turn out to be as extensive or detailed as in other areas. Since it is use helps to combat the infractions of the administered ones, since it provides an immediate response to the damages caused. The objective of this work is to establish to what extent the corrective measures imposed by OSIPTEL turn out to be a mechanism of arbitrariness and abuse towards the company. Likewise, the hypothesis that we will work on in this article is that, in the exercise, the corrective measures brought by the regulator OSIPTEL turn out to be a mechanism of arbitrariness and violation of the rights of the company. To achieve this, two current cases of the regulator in question will be analyzed, this in order to observe the violations and deformations that the figure suffers in its exercise. All this, to conclude that, in the development of its powers, the Supervisory Agency for Private Investment in Telecommunications violates basic principles; Therefore, if the corrective measures imposed turn out to be a mechanism of arbitrariness and abuse.
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