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Lara, F., Ramírez, R., Rodríguez, N., Valera, A. (2023). Business consulting - Summa Gold [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Lara, F., Ramírez, R., Rodríguez, N., Valera, A. Business consulting - Summa Gold []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2023.
title = "Business consulting - Summa Gold",
author = "Valera Saavedra, Allison Mariel",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2023"
Title: Business consulting - Summa Gold
Authors(s): Lara Chanduví, Francesca Rominna; Ramírez Paredes, Rómulo Renato; Rodríguez Trujillo, Nehemías Daniel; Valera Saavedra, Allison Mariel
Advisor(s): Vílchez Román, Carlos Manuel
Keywords: Consultores de empresas--Planificación estratégica; Industria minera--Perú; Oro; Control de procesos--Mejoramiento
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 29-May-2023
Institution: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Abstract: El presente documento constituye una consultoría para la empresa Summa Gold
Corporation S.A.C., empresa minera que tiene un modelo de gestión moderna que explota,
desarrolla, procesa y comercializa el recurso del oro, y trabaja continuamente en ser
reconocida por buenas prácticas empresariales a nivel mundial, generando desarrollo
sostenible a través de la extracción responsable.
En el business consulting se realizó un análisis acerca de la problemática que se
enfrenta actualmente Summa Gold, con respecto al porcentaje de recuperación de oro por
debajo del plan de producción. A la fecha, la mina tiene un plan de producción con un
objetivo de recuperación de oro del 74.2% de material fresco, sin embargo, de acuerdo la
información proporcionada, la recuperación histórica promedio es del 69.8%, es decir 4.4%
por debajo del objetivo establecido.
Luego de conocer las causas del problema y analizar las oportunidades de mejora, se
procedió a ejecutar un plan de implementación con alternativas de solución que permitan a
Summa Gold tener una mejor recuperación de oro y así incrementar la rentabilidad de la
empresa. Por lo expuesto anteriormente, se presentan como propuestas de solución la
implementación de un plan de actividades de tres fases, los cuales están planificados en un
periodo de 12 meses. Por último, el delta de extracción incremental alcanzado genera una
rentabilidad mayor al 12% como promedio anual, generando un incremento en el flujo de caja
de más de 5.5MM de dólares.
This document constitutes a consultancy for the company Summa Gold Corporation S.A.C. A mining company with a modern management model that develops, bursts, processes, and commercializes the gold resource. It continuously works to be recognized for best business practices worldwide, generating sustainable development through responsible extraction. Regarding the percentage of gold recovery below the production plan, business consulting analyzed the problems that Summa Gold is currently facing. To this date, the mine has a production plan with a gold recovery target of 74.2% in fresh material. However, according to the information provided, the average historical recovery is 69.8%, which means about 4.4% below the set goal. After acknowledging the causes of the problem and analyzing the opportunities for improvement, it executed an implementation plan with all the alternative solutions that allow Summa Gold to have a better gold recovery and thus increase the company's profitability. Therefore, is presented as a solution proposal implementation of a three phase plan of activities scheduled for 12 months. And finally, the achieved Delta incremental extraction generates a return greater than 12% as an annual average, generating an increase in cash flow of more than 5.5MM dollars.
This document constitutes a consultancy for the company Summa Gold Corporation S.A.C. A mining company with a modern management model that develops, bursts, processes, and commercializes the gold resource. It continuously works to be recognized for best business practices worldwide, generating sustainable development through responsible extraction. Regarding the percentage of gold recovery below the production plan, business consulting analyzed the problems that Summa Gold is currently facing. To this date, the mine has a production plan with a gold recovery target of 74.2% in fresh material. However, according to the information provided, the average historical recovery is 69.8%, which means about 4.4% below the set goal. After acknowledging the causes of the problem and analyzing the opportunities for improvement, it executed an implementation plan with all the alternative solutions that allow Summa Gold to have a better gold recovery and thus increase the company's profitability. Therefore, is presented as a solution proposal implementation of a three phase plan of activities scheduled for 12 months. And finally, the achieved Delta incremental extraction generates a return greater than 12% as an annual average, generating an increase in cash flow of more than 5.5MM dollars.
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Discipline: Administración Estratégica de Empresas
Grade or title grantor: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. CENTRUM
Grade or title: Maestro en Administración Estratégica de Empresas
Juror: Daniel Eduardo Guevara Sanchez; José Carlos Véliz Palomino; Carlos Manuel Vilchez Roman
Register date: 29-May-2023
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