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Fernandez, S., (2021). Estudio de caso de un niño de 3 años 5 meses con retraso de lenguaje [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Fernandez, S., Estudio de caso de un niño de 3 años 5 meses con retraso de lenguaje []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2021.
title = "Estudio de caso de un niño de 3 años 5 meses con retraso de lenguaje",
author = "Fernandez Herrera, Sandra Lenny",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2021"
Title: Estudio de caso de un niño de 3 años 5 meses con retraso de lenguaje
Authors(s): Fernandez Herrera, Sandra Lenny
Advisor(s): Corrales Ardiles, Norma Pamela
Keywords: Niños--Lenguaje; Trastornos del habla en niños
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 28-May-2021
Institution: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Abstract: El lenguaje es una facultad propia e inherente del ser humano que se adquiere en los primeros años de vida,
es por medio de este que las personas logran comunicarse, socializar y aprender; sin embargo, en la actualidad
se observa que existen niños que presentan dificultad en el desarrollo del lenguaje, mostrando un desfase
significativo en sus competencias lingüísticas, lo cual impide que se desarrollen de forma adecuada en diversos
entornos como: el escolar, social y familiar. El objetivo del presente estudio de caso es estructurar un plan de
evaluación e intervención acorde a las necesidades y características de un niño de 3 años 5 meses de edad
que presenta retraso de lenguaje. El retraso de lenguaje se caracteriza por un perfil lingüístico homogéneo por
debajo de lo esperado para su edad, donde se encuentran afectados los componentes del lenguaje tanto en el
proceso comprensivo como el expresivo. El plan de intervención está diseñado bajo el modelo hibrido, que
busca la participación conjunta del adulto y el niño, proponiendo actividades en ambientes naturales y
estructurados, enfocadas en la experiencia directa y multisensorial a través de situaciones lúdicas, con material
concreto y gráfico. Dentro de los resultados de la intervención, con relación al componente léxico- semántico
se evidenció un incremento del vocabulario comprensivo y expresivo de las categorías (utensilios de cocina,
acciones, alimentos, prendas de vestir), de igual modo se logró que siga instrucciones simples una acción y
tres objetos y una acción con localización; en el componente morfosintáctico, se logró que comprenda
preguntas con los encabezadores ¿Qué? y ¿Quiénes?, así como ampliar la longitud de sus enunciados a tres
palabras; así mismo se pudo apreciar resultados favorables en el juego simbólico e imaginativo. Se concluye
que en la se intervención se lograron avances positivos en los componentes del lenguaje trabajados, sin
embargo, sus habilidades lingüísticas permanecen por debajo de lo esperado para su edad.
Language is a human capacity that appears in the first years, people get to communicate, socialize, and learn through this, however, in modern days we see children showing difficulties in language development, showing a gap in its linguistic competencies, which prevents them to develop appropriately in different environments like socially, with the family and school. The goal of the present case study is to structure an evaluation and intervention plan that fits the needs and characteristics of a 3-year 5-month-old with a delay in language development. Delay in language development is characterized by a homogeneous linguistic profile that is below average, where the expressive and comprehensive language is affected. The intervention plan is designed under the hybrid model, that looks for the participation of the child and adult, proposing activities in natural and structured environments, focused on the direct and multisensorial experience through playful situations, with concrete and graphic material. The intervention results show that, in relation to the lexical-semantic component, the boy presented increased comprehensive and expressive vocabulary on the used categories (cookware, actions, food, clothing). It was also achieved to make the boy follow simple instructions with one action and three objects and one action with localization. In the morphosyntactic component, the boy was able to understand questions with What? and Who? and he was able to increase the length of his statements to three words, we were able to see favorable results in the symbolic and imaginative games. We conclude that the intervention achieved positive progress in the language components presented, however, his linguistic abilities remain below the average for his age.
Language is a human capacity that appears in the first years, people get to communicate, socialize, and learn through this, however, in modern days we see children showing difficulties in language development, showing a gap in its linguistic competencies, which prevents them to develop appropriately in different environments like socially, with the family and school. The goal of the present case study is to structure an evaluation and intervention plan that fits the needs and characteristics of a 3-year 5-month-old with a delay in language development. Delay in language development is characterized by a homogeneous linguistic profile that is below average, where the expressive and comprehensive language is affected. The intervention plan is designed under the hybrid model, that looks for the participation of the child and adult, proposing activities in natural and structured environments, focused on the direct and multisensorial experience through playful situations, with concrete and graphic material. The intervention results show that, in relation to the lexical-semantic component, the boy presented increased comprehensive and expressive vocabulary on the used categories (cookware, actions, food, clothing). It was also achieved to make the boy follow simple instructions with one action and three objects and one action with localization. In the morphosyntactic component, the boy was able to understand questions with What? and Who? and he was able to increase the length of his statements to three words, we were able to see favorable results in the symbolic and imaginative games. We conclude that the intervention achieved positive progress in the language components presented, however, his linguistic abilities remain below the average for his age.
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Discipline: Dificultades de la Comunicación y Lenguaje
Grade or title grantor: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Facultad de Educación
Grade or title: Segunda Especialidad en Dificultades de la Comunicación y Lenguaje
Juror: Chavez Galvez, Zandy; Ortiz De Orue Aliaga, Julia Vanessa; Sing Ore, Angelica Maria
Register date: 28-May-2021
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