Citas bibligráficas
Abanto, J., Sánchez, M. (2021). Caracterización geoquímica en suelos para determinar la dispersión secundaria de CU, AG, PB, ZN alrededor del intrusivo Yanaquero - Sector Michiquillay 2020 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Abanto, J., Sánchez, M. Caracterización geoquímica en suelos para determinar la dispersión secundaria de CU, AG, PB, ZN alrededor del intrusivo Yanaquero - Sector Michiquillay 2020 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2021.
title = "Caracterización geoquímica en suelos para determinar la dispersión secundaria de CU, AG, PB, ZN alrededor del intrusivo Yanaquero - Sector Michiquillay 2020",
author = "Sánchez Pajares, Marie Anne",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2021"
The main object of this study was to know the Secondary Dispersion of Copper, Silver, Lead and Zinc determined by the geochemical characterization in soils around the intrusive Yanaquero in the Michiquillay Sector; For this, 38 soil samples were collected in a rectangular sampling mesh with 200m spacing, to which the color, pH and metal content (ppm) were identified, the latter by chemical digestion with Agua Regia, via Atomic Aborption ( AAS), all this information was also supplemented with the local mapping of the intrusive in question. For the statistical characterization of the data, the Log_Normal transformation was applied, modifying the erratic highs and identifying anomalies, for Copper 943.7 ppm and 764.3 ppm, for Silver 1.33 ppm and 1.15 ppm, for Lead 117 ppm and finally for Zinc 252.8 ppm; Likewise, from the Pearson correlation, bivariate associations were obtained with good positive correlation (0.631) for Pb-Zn and medium positive correlation (0.337) for Cu-Pb, the trends identified in the geochemical dispersion of the metals in question were, NS for Copper, NNE-SSO for Ag and NNO-SSE for Lead and Zinc, in addition, the largest dispersions of color and pH were found in Cu-Ag with Olive Yellow and Very Pale Brown with Basic and Neutral pH and Pb-Zn with Very Grayish Brown. dark and Very Pale Brown with Neutral and Acidic pH, in the same way, in the geological mapping the existing lithology was identified as a Porphyritic Diorite, with evidence of hydrothermal alteration, coexisting with local structures such as faults and breccias. Finally, from the study of secondary geochemical dispersion in soils, a superficial zoning of Cu-Pb-Zn characteristic of systems of the Copper Porphyry type was identified.
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