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Silva, C., (2016). Plan “INTRASSEC” para disminuir la inseguridad ciudadana en el distrito de Tumbes. [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Silva, C., Plan “INTRASSEC” para disminuir la inseguridad ciudadana en el distrito de Tumbes. [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2016.
title = "Plan “INTRASSEC” para disminuir la inseguridad ciudadana en el distrito de Tumbes.",
author = "Silva Mena, Carlos Jimy",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2016"
Title: Plan “INTRASSEC” para disminuir la inseguridad ciudadana en el distrito de Tumbes.
Authors(s): Silva Mena, Carlos Jimy
Advisor(s): Terán Iparraguirre, Maria Victoria
Keywords: Participación ciudadana; Delincuencia; Planificación estratégica; Seguridad pública; Delito
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 25-Jan-2016
Institution: Universidad Privada del Norte
Abstract: La presente tesis tiene como Título “PLAN INTRASSEC PARA DISMINUIR LA
capital de la provincia y departamento de Tumbes; se fundamenta en datos
estadísticos tomados del distrito de Tumbes los últimos cuatro años; los mismos de los
cuales se obtuvo como resultados un sorprendente y desalentador INCREMENTO de
la Inseguridad Ciudadana en el distrito de Tumbes, que se ven reflejados en
estadísticas a nivel nacional, ubicándonos en los primeros lugares de mayor
Inseguridad Ciudadana en el país; es por ello que surge la necesidad de proponer la
implementación de un plan que permitirá la disminución de la Inseguridad Ciudadana
en el jurisdicción de Tumbes como distrito, el plan a implementar es el denominado por
el autor, PLAN “INTRASSEC”; el cual consiste en trabajar preventivamente de manera
INTEGRADA y TRASVERSAL con los actores tanto gubernamentales, institucionales,
sociales y civiles en general del distrito de Tumbes, para generar con la aplicación de
diversas actividades preventivas, educativas y formativas, la disminución de la
percepción de la Inseguridad Ciudadana que actualmente se vive en el distrito.
En la PRIMERA parte de este trabajo, se describe la realidad que atraviesa el distrito
de Tumbes con respecto a la Inseguridad Ciudadana y se plantea la necesidad de
contar con mecanismos que hagan posible la disminución de la misma; se plantea la
problemática, se establecen objetivos, tanto general como específicos de la presente
tesis; de igual forma, la justificación y metodología que ha sido aplicada para el
desarrollo de la misma.
La SEGUNDA parte, está referida al marco teórico, el mismo que incluye antecedentes
con experiencias similares a las que en esta tesis se plantea; además de las
respectivas bases teóricas y legislación sobre la cual se sustenta el desarrollo de la
misma; también se desarrolla el marco conceptual con las definiciones de los términos
utilizados y sobre los que se desarrolla el contexto de estas tesis.
En la TERCERA Parte, se desarrolla a detalle la Propuesta de Solución en la que se
describe cada uno de los ejes temáticos que conforman el plan INTRASSEC; y la
forma cómo es que se va a desarrollar cada una de ellas y en qué aportarán a la
eficacia y eficiencia al momento de la ejecución del plan, dado que este, se pretende
generar mediante el trabajo de un equipo multidisciplinario y múltiples actividades
preventivas, integradoras y educativas, la participación activa de la población, y repotenciando las capacidades de los distintos sectores del distrito; elevar el nivel y la
calidad de vida, proyectando una mejor expectativa social y cultural de la población.
La CUARTA Parte, contempla puntos sumamente importantes en el desarrollo de la
tesis, tales como la diagnosis y la discusión de los resultados, ya que es sobre estos
mismos, en los cuales fundamento con mayor solides la propuesta de Implementación
del plan INTRASSEC, puesto que en estos puntos se explican los resultados positivos
de las experiencias similares al plan INTRASSEC que permiten PROYECTAR dichos
RESULTADOS que el plan tendría de llevarse a cabo su aplicación en el distrito de
Tumbes; dado que las experiencias a obtener serían positivas de la misma forma que
en los casos nacionales e internacionales que se muestran, puesto que estos
contienen ejes temáticos, actividades y metodologías similares a las que se
implementarán en el Plan INTRASSEC, además que se está hablando de una
población relativamente similar en los casos y experiencias presentadas.
Y por último como QUINTA Parte de la Tesis, están las conclusiones a las que se
llegaron con el estudio, y en las que se responde al objetivo general y los objetivos
específicos planteados en la tesis. Así mismo se presentan las recomendaciones para
mejorar los resultados en el momento mismo de la implementación del Plan
This thesis is titled “INTRASSEC DESIGN PLAN TO REDUCE INSECURITY IN THE DISTRICT OF TUMBES; which it is the capital district of the province and department of Tumbes; is based on the district borrowed four years Tumbes statistics; the same of which was obtained as a surprising and disappointing results increased insecurity in the district citizen Lay, which are reflected in national statistics, placing in the first places of citizen insecurity in the country; that is why the need to propose the implementation of a plan that will allow the reduction of citizen insecurity in the district court of Tumbes as arises to implement the plan is called by the author PLAN “INTRASSEC“; which it is to work proactively integrated and transversal way with governmental, institutional, social and general civil district of Tumbes, to generate the application of various preventive, educational and training activities actors, decreasing the perception of citizen insecurity currently lives in the district. In the FIRST part of this work , the reality that crosses the district of Tumbes regarding citizen insecurity described and the need for mechanisms that enable the reduction of the same arises; the problem arises, objective, both general and specific of this thesis are established; likewise, the rationale and methodology that has been applied to develop it. The SECOND one refers to the theoretical framework, which includes the same history with similar experiences that arises in this thesis; in addition to the respective bases theory and legislation on which is supported the development of the same; the framework is also developed with the definitions of the terms used and about the context of this thesis is developed. In Part THREE, it develops in detail the proposed solution described in each of the themes that make up the INTRASSEC plan; and the way how it is going to develop each of them and what will contribute to the effectiveness and efficiency when implementing the plan, as this, is to generate through the work of a multidisciplinary and multiple preventive activities team and inclusive education, active participation of the population, and repowering capabilities of different sectors of the district; raising the level and quality of life , designing better social and cultural expectation of the people Part QUARTER , provides extremely important points in the development of the thesis , such as the diagnosis and discussion of the results , as it is on these same , in which I base most solides the proposal Implementation INTRASSEC plan since these points similar experiences INTRASSEC plan are explained with positive results that can project these results that the plan would be carried out in the district implementation of Tumbes ; since the experiences you get would be positive in the same way that national and international cases shown , since they contain themes , activities and similar methodologies to which they will be implemented in the INTRASSEC plan also it is being spoken of a relatively similar in cases and experiences presented population. And finally as FIFTH of the thesis, are the conclusions that were reached by the study, and which meets the general objective and specific objectives in the thesis. Also recommendations are presented to improve results at the same time the implementation of INTRASSEC plan.
This thesis is titled “INTRASSEC DESIGN PLAN TO REDUCE INSECURITY IN THE DISTRICT OF TUMBES; which it is the capital district of the province and department of Tumbes; is based on the district borrowed four years Tumbes statistics; the same of which was obtained as a surprising and disappointing results increased insecurity in the district citizen Lay, which are reflected in national statistics, placing in the first places of citizen insecurity in the country; that is why the need to propose the implementation of a plan that will allow the reduction of citizen insecurity in the district court of Tumbes as arises to implement the plan is called by the author PLAN “INTRASSEC“; which it is to work proactively integrated and transversal way with governmental, institutional, social and general civil district of Tumbes, to generate the application of various preventive, educational and training activities actors, decreasing the perception of citizen insecurity currently lives in the district. In the FIRST part of this work , the reality that crosses the district of Tumbes regarding citizen insecurity described and the need for mechanisms that enable the reduction of the same arises; the problem arises, objective, both general and specific of this thesis are established; likewise, the rationale and methodology that has been applied to develop it. The SECOND one refers to the theoretical framework, which includes the same history with similar experiences that arises in this thesis; in addition to the respective bases theory and legislation on which is supported the development of the same; the framework is also developed with the definitions of the terms used and about the context of this thesis is developed. In Part THREE, it develops in detail the proposed solution described in each of the themes that make up the INTRASSEC plan; and the way how it is going to develop each of them and what will contribute to the effectiveness and efficiency when implementing the plan, as this, is to generate through the work of a multidisciplinary and multiple preventive activities team and inclusive education, active participation of the population, and repowering capabilities of different sectors of the district; raising the level and quality of life , designing better social and cultural expectation of the people Part QUARTER , provides extremely important points in the development of the thesis , such as the diagnosis and discussion of the results , as it is on these same , in which I base most solides the proposal Implementation INTRASSEC plan since these points similar experiences INTRASSEC plan are explained with positive results that can project these results that the plan would be carried out in the district implementation of Tumbes ; since the experiences you get would be positive in the same way that national and international cases shown , since they contain themes , activities and similar methodologies to which they will be implemented in the INTRASSEC plan also it is being spoken of a relatively similar in cases and experiences presented population. And finally as FIFTH of the thesis, are the conclusions that were reached by the study, and which meets the general objective and specific objectives in the thesis. Also recommendations are presented to improve results at the same time the implementation of INTRASSEC plan.
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Discipline: Maestría en Gestión Pública
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Privada del Norte. Escuela de Posgrado y Estudios Continuos
Grade or title: Maestro en Gestión Pública
Register date: 2-Sep-2017
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