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Paredes, V., Vaca, A. (2017). E-readiness y la adopción del comercio electrónico en la provincia de Trujillo [Tesis, Universidad Privada Del Norte].
Paredes, V., Vaca, A. E-readiness y la adopción del comercio electrónico en la provincia de Trujillo [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Del Norte; 2017.
title = "E-readiness y la adopción del comercio electrónico en la provincia de Trujillo",
author = "Vaca Rosario, Anthony Frans",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Del Norte",
year = "2017"
Título: E-readiness y la adopción del comercio electrónico en la provincia de Trujillo
Asesor(es): Baca López, Marcos Gregorio
Palabras clave: Comercio electrónico; Publicidad; Tecnología de la información
Campo OCDE:
Fecha de publicación: 18-dic-2017
Institución: Universidad Privada Del Norte
Resumen: El presente estudio evidenció que el E-readiness tiene una relación directa con
la adopción del comercio electrónico para una empresa comercializadora de autopartes
en la provincia de Trujillo para el año 2017. También es importante mencionar que el
tamaño de las empresas influye significativamente en la adopción del comercio
El punto de partida para esta investigación se basó en la Teoría de la Difusión
de las Innovaciones de Rogers (1983), también en el modelo establecido respecto de
los beneficios acerca de las nuevas tecnologías de la información propuesto por Molla
y Licker (2005), del mismo modo se tomó como referencia el estudio de Jones et al.
(2013). Esta investigación tuvo un diseño no experimental con un corte transeccional
descriptivo. El método que se utilizó fue el de investigación cuantitativa y la estructura
que se siguió corresponde al método científico según Bernal (2010) siendo la población
en estudio, 283 clientes registrados ante SUNAT de la que se determinó la muestra de
169 clientes por medio de la fórmula para poblaciones finitas.
Se llegó a identificar que el 81,5% de la muestra esta representada por las micro
empresas, el 16,7% por las pequeñas empresas y solo el 1,8% representa a las
medianas empresas, esto significa que en su mayoría este estudio está representado
por un sector empresarial el cual cuenta con un pequeño numero de trabajadores.
Respecto de la hipótesis planteada tenemos que el 18,3% de las empresas encuestadas
no cuentan con una página WEB o alguna herramienta informática de publicidad o
comunicación para dar a conocer sus productos, el 57,4% de las empresas encuestadas
tienen presencia en redes sociales, lo cual nos indica que gran parte del sector acepta
las nuevas tecnologías de la información pero a un costo relativamente bajo, en cambio
el 24,3% de las empresas encuestadas cuentan con una página WEB informativa, esto
demuestra la madurez de este sector empresarial.
Finalmente, este proyecto de investigación da respuesta al problema planteado,
demostrando una relación causal entre la E-readiness y adopción del comercio
electrónico; una limitante importante fue la falta de investigaciones aplicativas
relacionadas al tema en nuestro país, por lo cual, tuvimos que tomar como
antecedentes, estudios previos realizados en otros países. Otra limitante importante fue
la complejidad de la terminología de la investigación, la cual tuvo que ser adaptada en
la encuesta para que pueda ser aplicada adecuadamente.
The present study showed that E-readiness has a direct relationship with the adoption of electronic commerce for a company that sells auto parts in the province of Trujillo for the year 2017. It is also important to mention that the size of companies has a significant influence on the adoption of electronic commerce. The starting point for this research was based on Rogers' Theory of Dissemination of Innovations (1983), also on the model established regarding the benefits of new information technologies proposed by Molla and Licker (2005), In the same way, the study by Jones et al. (2013). This research had a non-experimental design with a descriptive transectional cut. The method used was quantitative research and the structure that was followed corresponds to the scientific method according to Bernal (2010), with the study population of 283 companies registered in the SUNAT, from which the sample of 169 companies was determined by means of the formula for finite populations. It was found that 81.5% of the sample is represented by micro companies, 16.7% by small companies and only 1.8% represents medium-sized companies, this means that this study is mostly It is represented by a business sector which has a small number of workers. Regarding the hypothesis raised we have that 18.3% of the companies surveyed do not have a WEB page or any advertising or communication tool to publicize their products, 57.4% of the companies surveyed have a presence in networks social, which indicates that much of the sector accepts new information technologies but at a relatively low cost, while 24.3% of the companies surveyed have an informative WEB page, this shows the maturity of this sector business Finally, this research project responds to the problem posed, demonstrating a non-causal relationship between E-readiness and adoption of electronic commerce; an important limitation was the lack of application research related to the subject in our country, for which, we had to take as a background, previous studies conducted in other countries. Another important limitation was the complexity of the research terminology, which had to be adapted in the survey so that it could be applied properly.
The present study showed that E-readiness has a direct relationship with the adoption of electronic commerce for a company that sells auto parts in the province of Trujillo for the year 2017. It is also important to mention that the size of companies has a significant influence on the adoption of electronic commerce. The starting point for this research was based on Rogers' Theory of Dissemination of Innovations (1983), also on the model established regarding the benefits of new information technologies proposed by Molla and Licker (2005), In the same way, the study by Jones et al. (2013). This research had a non-experimental design with a descriptive transectional cut. The method used was quantitative research and the structure that was followed corresponds to the scientific method according to Bernal (2010), with the study population of 283 companies registered in the SUNAT, from which the sample of 169 companies was determined by means of the formula for finite populations. It was found that 81.5% of the sample is represented by micro companies, 16.7% by small companies and only 1.8% represents medium-sized companies, this means that this study is mostly It is represented by a business sector which has a small number of workers. Regarding the hypothesis raised we have that 18.3% of the companies surveyed do not have a WEB page or any advertising or communication tool to publicize their products, 57.4% of the companies surveyed have a presence in networks social, which indicates that much of the sector accepts new information technologies but at a relatively low cost, while 24.3% of the companies surveyed have an informative WEB page, this shows the maturity of this sector business Finally, this research project responds to the problem posed, demonstrating a non-causal relationship between E-readiness and adoption of electronic commerce; an important limitation was the lack of application research related to the subject in our country, for which, we had to take as a background, previous studies conducted in other countries. Another important limitation was the complexity of the research terminology, which had to be adapted in the survey so that it could be applied properly.
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Disciplina académico-profesional: Maestría en Gerencia de Marketing y Gestión Comercial
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Universidad Privada del Norte. Escuela de Posgrado y Estudios Continuos
Grado o título: Maestro en Gerencia de Marketing y Gestión Comercial
Fecha de registro: 2-feb-2018
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