Bibliographic citations
Montoya, R., Vargas, M. (2018). Cultura exportadora orientado a la implementación de un invernadero de rosas para la exportación a la ciudad Santiago de Chile, 2018 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Montoya, R., Vargas, M. Cultura exportadora orientado a la implementación de un invernadero de rosas para la exportación a la ciudad Santiago de Chile, 2018 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2018.
title = "Cultura exportadora orientado a la implementación de un invernadero de rosas para la exportación a la ciudad Santiago de Chile, 2018",
author = "Vargas Pachamango, Manuel",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2018"
The objective of this thesis is to determine the influence of the application of the export culture oriented to the implementation of a rose greenhouse in the export to the city of Santiago de Chile, 2018. To develop the research reference was made to the international scientific theoretical bases, national and local that support the realization of the project. Then, bibliographic material was reviewed in relation to the subject, and in the study a survey was carried out of 10 rose producers from the Otuzco Town Center - District of Baños del Inca - Cajamarca department and an interview with a specialist to learn about aspects to the production and commercialization of roses, in this way data were collected based on the study variables, thus validating the hypothesis and the research could be developed. When the situational diagnosis was made, the result was that the producers considered the lack of skilled labor and the fluctuation of demand as the main deficiency, which did not allow them to have a better performance. It was concluded that the business idea of a rose greenhouse for export purposes is that Cajamarca's main opportunity for the development of the floriculture sector are its climatological characteristics and the geography of its territory, together with the abundance of water resources. To this is added political stability and low-cost labor, which creates an environment that favors private investment, to then take advantage of the Free Trade Agreements and be able to export them. The design of the rose greenhouse for export to the city of Santiago, Chile, began with the creation of the company Sumaq Kay, with its base of operations in Cajamarca, the greenhouse is located in the town center of Otuzco. The financial plan determines that the project is viable, as demonstrated by the financial evaluation where the IRR value is higher than the minimum acceptable rate of return, the net present value is positive, the benefit / cost is greater than one and The period of investment recovery is a relatively short period. It is proposed to implement the export culture in the rose greenhouse of the company Sumaq Kay in the Populated Center of Otuzco, applying the methodology of the congruence model that will help the company to understand the interrelation of social and technical forces that defines the performance of the company and shows them the way to start working on the design and implementation of solutions in their specific performance problems. Likewise, it seeks to implement the program of good export practices to enhance, accelerate and consolidate the export capacity of the floriculture sector.
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