Bibliographic citations
Segura, J., Tapia, J. (2023). Optimización de costos en obra mediante la reducción de plazos de desencofrado al aumentar resistencia inicial de concreto, Ica, 2022 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Segura, J., Tapia, J. Optimización de costos en obra mediante la reducción de plazos de desencofrado al aumentar resistencia inicial de concreto, Ica, 2022 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2023.
title = "Optimización de costos en obra mediante la reducción de plazos de desencofrado al aumentar resistencia inicial de concreto, Ica, 2022",
author = "Tapia Sullca, Jenifer Marina Teresa",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2023"
The present investigation seeks to optimize the costs on site by reducing the stripping times by increasing the initial resistance of the concrete from 175kg/cm2 to 210 kg/cm2 and 245kg/cm2, in the stripping costs of horizontal elements (solid slabs) in a work carried out during two stages in the city of Ica during the year 2022, of which the study corresponds to the second stage, for this it was proposed to carry out a quasi-experimental, quantitative, cross-sectional methodology where the costs associated with items and costs that were impacts on the increase in the resistance of the concrete in comparison with the savings presented in the decrease in the rental time of metallic formwork material for the work. Obtaining through the results that what was investigated constitutes a generality for the work under study, since, in the second stage studied of the work, considerable savings were found when replacing the concrete, when the resistance in the slabs was increased. For concrete f'c=175 kg/cm2 and 28 days of formwork, a global budget of S/.649,002.46 was obtained, for f'c=210 kg/cm2 and 28 days of formwork, S/.650,003.06 and for f' c=245 kg/cm2 and 7 days of formwork the total amounted to S/.176,634.24. Finally, it was concluded that, although the construction costs increased by 12% in terms of the cost of concrete, on the other hand, the total cost in stripping time of horizontal elements decreased by 25%, representing considerable savings in the work.
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