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Azabache, M., (2018). Impacto del estereotipo racial en las comunicaciones de marketing en Latinoamérica [Tesis, Universidad Privada Del Norte].
Azabache, M., Impacto del estereotipo racial en las comunicaciones de marketing en Latinoamérica [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Del Norte; 2018.
title = "Impacto del estereotipo racial en las comunicaciones de marketing en Latinoamérica",
author = "Azabache Peralta, Marco Antonio",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Del Norte",
year = "2018"
Title: Impacto del estereotipo racial en las comunicaciones de marketing en Latinoamérica
Authors(s): Azabache Peralta, Marco Antonio
Advisor(s): Rubiños Montero, Jorge Armando
Keywords: Marketing; Estereotipos; Discriminación racial; Industria de telecomunicaciones; Campañas publicitarias; Imagen de marca
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 22-Feb-2018
Institution: Universidad Privada Del Norte
Abstract: La presente investigación se centrará en la región latinoamericana; análisis que
comprende desde México hasta Chile, abarcando el Caribe; región que vale la pena
señalar; posee la mayor diversidad racial, de toda la esfera celeste, y que ha
reportado la mayor cantidad de casos relacionados al tema de investigación como
bien lo señala la última edición del FIAP 2016 – Festival Iberoamericano de
En la actualidad, son muchas las empresas en el mundo y sobre todo en
Latinoamérica, que han impactado de manera positiva o negativa en el plano social
con sus propuestas de mercado; esto se debe a la forma de construir su propuesta
de comunicaciones, donde el estereotipo representante de su marca o para ser más
específicos de sus campañas no fue el más asertivo.
Iniciando el análisis de la casuística por México, el snack emblema de ese país,
Saladix, el cual es el líder en venta en dicha nación, cuando ingresó al mercado
argentino, la agencia encargada de manejar la comercialización en el país austral
hizo una negativa gestión de la imagen del producto y del estereotipo mexicano
físicamente, generando un impacto negativo en una sociedad considerada por los
reportes de la ONU, como uno de las más racistas en la región. Finalmente la
empresa tuvo grandes pérdidas, incluso tuvieron que retirar al producto de dicho
mercado tras haber logrado un posicionamiento negativo; resultado nada favorable
en temas comerciales. Sin embargo fue y es en la actualidad un éxito en aceptación
en ventas en el Caribe.
Continuando con Centroamérica y el Caribe, la empresa de telefonía Claro, registra
casos negativos aplicados en países como República Dominicana y Panamá,
donde las familias blancas son consideradas como el estereotipo ideal para las
estrategias de comunicación relacionadas para sus productos post pago y las
familias de raza negra, para los productos prepago.
Colombia por su parte, teniendo una gran cantidad de su población total de raza
negra, la empresa Colacao, es quien más denigró a esta raza, ubicándolos sólo como esclavos cafetaleros, servidumbre, y la gente de raza aria, eran los únicos
que podían disfrutar de dicho producto en taza en lujosas terrazas y con finos trajes.
Perú no se ha visto exento de dicho fenómeno, empresas como el Grupo Falabella,
presenta a menudo campañas que poco tienen de nuestra raza, pero la que más
llamó la atención fue la propuesta navideña de años pasados, donde niñas con
rasgos europeos, eran parte del concepto, causando impacto negativo en la
sociedad peruana, otros casos de análisis es la participación de la cantante
vernacular, Dina Paúcar, que casi extingue la marca Rexona, cuando la marca sólo
buscaba entrar en segmentos como el D y el E, causando que sus clientes ya
fidelizados como el A y el B, se alejen del producto, por no sentirse identificados
con la cantante, acto que fue aprovechado por el producto de la transnacional
Unilever, Dove para cubrir dicho nicho de mercado. Asimismo, se analizó el caso
de Galletas Morocha de la transnacional Nestlé, concepto de Marketing que se
desarrolló en Perú en el 2008, donde el mencionado producto pasa del puesto 25
al número 2 en la terna de bizcotelas, y en el puesto 5 a nivel de Latinoamérica, y
de toda la transnacional en el puesto 8 en niveles de venta, y según la agencia
Ogilvy, se debió a la eficaz construcción del estereotipo utilizado, el cual era un
patrón a seguir por el público meta, no generando racismo o rechazo hacia el
producto a pesar de tener una modelo negra, pero cuya imagen estaba bien
construida, logrando el agrado para el target real y también el potencial.
Por su parte, Brasil y su industria cervecera, presenta a Devassa Cervejaria, una
cerveza propia de Rio de Janeiro, que tuvo muchos problemas en su afán de
expandir su mercado, ya que ellos utilizaban patrones raciales negros, y que incluso
tuviera que ingresar con el nombre de Buller en Argentina por el rechazo ganado,
en la actualidad se ha convertido en una cerveza netamente regional.
Para cerrar la realidad problemática de esta investigación el Grupo Falabella utiliza
en su mayoría de campañas usa estereotipos raciales argentinos, siendo su imagen
desde hace varios años la modelo Valeria Mazza. Son estos algunos casos los que
componen la realidad problemática de esta investigación y en donde se evidencia
la aceptación o rechazo a determinados estereotipos físicos que si realiza bien el
análisis poco tiene que ver con el tema racial.
The present investigation will focus on the Latin American region; analysis that includes from Mexico to Chile, covering the Caribbean; region that is worth noting; It has the highest racial diversity, of the entire celestial sphere, and has reported the largest number of cases related to the research topic as well as the latest edition of the FIAP 2016 - Ibero-American Advertising Festival. Currently, there are many companies in the world and especially in Latin America, which have impacted positively or negatively on the social level with their market proposals; This is due to the way to build your communications proposal, where the stereotype representative of your brand or to be more specific to your campaigns was not the most assertive. Starting the analysis of the casuistry by Mexico, the snack emblem of that country, Saladix, which is the leader in sales in that nation, when it entered the Argentine market, the agency in charge of managing the marketing in the southern country made a negative management of the image of the product and the physical Mexican stereotype, generating a negative impact on a society considered by the UN reports, as one of the most racist in the region. Finally the company had large losses, they even had to withdraw the product from that market after having achieved a negative position; result not favorable in commercial matters. However it was and is currently a success in acceptance in sales in the Caribbean. Continuing with Central America and the Caribbean, the telephone company Claro registers negative cases applied in countries such as the Dominican Republic and Panama, where white families are considered the ideal stereotype for the communication strategies related to their post-paid products and families of black race, for prepaid products. Colombia, on the other hand, having a large number of its total black population, the company Colacao, is the one who most denigrated this race, locating them only as coffee slaves, servitors, and people of the Aryan race, were the only ones who could enjoy of said product in a cup in luxurious terraces and with fine suits. Peru has not been exempt from this phenomenon, companies like the Falabella Group, often present campaigns that have little of our race, but the one that most caught the attention was the Christmas proposal of past years, where girls with European features, were part of the concept, causing negative impact on Peruvian society, other cases of analysis is the participation of the vernacular singer, Dina Paúcar, who almost extinguished the Rexona brand, when the brand only sought to enter segments like the D and the E, causing their already loyal customers such as A and B, move away from the product, because they do not feel identified with the singer, an act that was taken advantage of by the product of the Unilever, Dove transnational to cover said market niche. Likewise, the case of Galletas Morocha from the transnational Nestlé was analyzed, a concept of Marketing that was developed in Peru in 2008, where the aforementioned product goes from position 25 to number 2 in the list of bizcotelas, and in position 5 at level of Latin America, and of the entire transnational in position 8 in sales levels, and according to the Ogilvy agency, it was due to the effective construction of the stereotype used, which was a pattern to be followed by the target audience, not generating racism or rejection towards the product despite having a black model, but whose image was well constructed, achieving the pleasure for the real target and also the potential. For its part, Brazil and its beer industry, presents Devassa Cervejaria, a beer from Rio de Janeiro, which had many problems in its desire to expand its market, since they used black racial patterns, and even had to enter with the name of Buller in Argentina for the rejection won, nowadays it has become a distinctly regional beer. To close the problematic reality of this research, the Falabella Group uses most of its campaigns using Argentine racial stereotypes, the Valeria Mazza model having been its image for several years. These are some cases that make up the problematic reality of this research and where the acceptance or rejection of certain physical stereotypes is evidenced. If the analysis is carried out well, it has little to do with the racial issue.
The present investigation will focus on the Latin American region; analysis that includes from Mexico to Chile, covering the Caribbean; region that is worth noting; It has the highest racial diversity, of the entire celestial sphere, and has reported the largest number of cases related to the research topic as well as the latest edition of the FIAP 2016 - Ibero-American Advertising Festival. Currently, there are many companies in the world and especially in Latin America, which have impacted positively or negatively on the social level with their market proposals; This is due to the way to build your communications proposal, where the stereotype representative of your brand or to be more specific to your campaigns was not the most assertive. Starting the analysis of the casuistry by Mexico, the snack emblem of that country, Saladix, which is the leader in sales in that nation, when it entered the Argentine market, the agency in charge of managing the marketing in the southern country made a negative management of the image of the product and the physical Mexican stereotype, generating a negative impact on a society considered by the UN reports, as one of the most racist in the region. Finally the company had large losses, they even had to withdraw the product from that market after having achieved a negative position; result not favorable in commercial matters. However it was and is currently a success in acceptance in sales in the Caribbean. Continuing with Central America and the Caribbean, the telephone company Claro registers negative cases applied in countries such as the Dominican Republic and Panama, where white families are considered the ideal stereotype for the communication strategies related to their post-paid products and families of black race, for prepaid products. Colombia, on the other hand, having a large number of its total black population, the company Colacao, is the one who most denigrated this race, locating them only as coffee slaves, servitors, and people of the Aryan race, were the only ones who could enjoy of said product in a cup in luxurious terraces and with fine suits. Peru has not been exempt from this phenomenon, companies like the Falabella Group, often present campaigns that have little of our race, but the one that most caught the attention was the Christmas proposal of past years, where girls with European features, were part of the concept, causing negative impact on Peruvian society, other cases of analysis is the participation of the vernacular singer, Dina Paúcar, who almost extinguished the Rexona brand, when the brand only sought to enter segments like the D and the E, causing their already loyal customers such as A and B, move away from the product, because they do not feel identified with the singer, an act that was taken advantage of by the product of the Unilever, Dove transnational to cover said market niche. Likewise, the case of Galletas Morocha from the transnational Nestlé was analyzed, a concept of Marketing that was developed in Peru in 2008, where the aforementioned product goes from position 25 to number 2 in the list of bizcotelas, and in position 5 at level of Latin America, and of the entire transnational in position 8 in sales levels, and according to the Ogilvy agency, it was due to the effective construction of the stereotype used, which was a pattern to be followed by the target audience, not generating racism or rejection towards the product despite having a black model, but whose image was well constructed, achieving the pleasure for the real target and also the potential. For its part, Brazil and its beer industry, presents Devassa Cervejaria, a beer from Rio de Janeiro, which had many problems in its desire to expand its market, since they used black racial patterns, and even had to enter with the name of Buller in Argentina for the rejection won, nowadays it has become a distinctly regional beer. To close the problematic reality of this research, the Falabella Group uses most of its campaigns using Argentine racial stereotypes, the Valeria Mazza model having been its image for several years. These are some cases that make up the problematic reality of this research and where the acceptance or rejection of certain physical stereotypes is evidenced. If the analysis is carried out well, it has little to do with the racial issue.
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Discipline: Maestría en Gerencia de Marketing y Gestión Comercial
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Privada del Norte. Escuela de Posgrado y Estudios Continuos
Grade or title: Maestro en Gerencia de Marketing y Gestión Comercial
Juror: Alegría Ferreyros, Luis Fernando; Vílchez Vera, Alonso; Caballero Mujica, Waldo
Register date: 4-May-2018
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