Citas bibligráficas
Cerna, G., Zegarra, G. (2016). Estado situacional del control de inventarios y su efecto en la gestión de almacén en la empresa Corporación Alivka E.I.R.L. San miguel 2016 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Cerna, G., Zegarra, G. Estado situacional del control de inventarios y su efecto en la gestión de almacén en la empresa Corporación Alivka E.I.R.L. San miguel 2016 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2016.
title = "Estado situacional del control de inventarios y su efecto en la gestión de almacén en la empresa Corporación Alivka E.I.R.L. San miguel 2016",
author = "Zegarra Escalante, Gladys",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2016"
ABSTRACT The present work determines the state of the company situational Alivka Corporation EIRL, with regard to inventory control and warehouse management. Thus, for the study of these variables are taken into account dimensions, recording inventory, physical distribution and supply of goods. This is intended to demonstrate through a descriptive analysis, if there is inventory control, warehouse management will be efficient. The research design is not experimental - cross, since only comes to describing the current situation of the company and analyze how affects their development. The techniques used are observation, interviews and document analysis. The processing of data has been done through a thorough analysis of the information provided by the company in terms of revenue and exit of goods. So much so that it has been determined that the company does not have an inventory control and management therefore store has a negative effect. Also, to answer the questions raised as research problem and meet the objectives thereof, the diagnosis of the company was prepared; a questionnaire to be applied to the manager, accountant and company employees; so that the results therefore leads to establish as a suggestion model kardex for registration of the goods at the time of the inputs and outputs of the warehouse and determine the stocks, avoiding stockouts and excess thereof. The research results showed that the situational status of the company in terms of inventory control has a negative effect on warehouse management in 85.7%, with significant relationship of p = 0.023 (p <0.05) according to the statistical test Chi -square with 95% confidence. He also has negative effect on physical distribution in 88.9%, with significant p = 0.023 ratio (p <0.05) according to statistical Chi-Square test with 95% confidence. Likewise, negative effect is evident in the supply of goods at 88.9%, with significant relationship of p = 0.035 (p <0.05) according to statistical Chi-Square test with 95% confidence. The work carried out includes five chapters, the first chapter, it has been considered the approach to the problem of research. In the second chapter the theoretical framework in which developed the background of research, theoretical and historical review; concluding with the formulation of the hypothesis. operationalization of variables, research design, study unit, population, sample, techniques and procedures for data collection, processing techniques and data analysis: In the third chapter, the methodology which considers the following described and ethical aspects. In the fourth chapter the results of the questionnaire interview, as well as hiring the hypothesis presented. And finally the discussion, conclusions and recommendations are presented.
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