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Huaccha, E., (2016). Burnout académico e inteligencia emocional en estudiantes de una universidad privada de Trujillo [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Huaccha, E., Burnout académico e inteligencia emocional en estudiantes de una universidad privada de Trujillo [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2016.
title = "Burnout académico e inteligencia emocional en estudiantes de una universidad privada de Trujillo",
author = "Huaccha Muñoz, Ericka Johana",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2016"
Título: Burnout académico e inteligencia emocional en estudiantes de una universidad privada de Trujillo
Autor(es): Huaccha Muñoz, Ericka Johana
Asesor(es): Valdivia Morales, Tania
Palabras clave: Síndrome de burnout; Inteligencia emocional; Estudiantes universitarios; Burnout académico; Burnout academic; Emotional intelligence; University students
Campo OCDE:
Fecha de publicación: 13-dic-2016
Institución: Universidad Privada del Norte
Resumen: RESUMEN
En el estudio se explora la asociación entre el burnout académico y la inteligencia emocional en una
muestra de 173 estudiantes de una universidad privada de Trujillo, de ambos sexos pertenecientes
a las carreras profesionales de derecho y ciencias políticas (34), administración y marketing (52),
administración y negocio internacionales (87); los cuales se encuentran cursando los tres últimos
ciclos de sus respectivas carreras. Para ello, se empleó el Inventario de Burnout de Maslach (MBI),
de Maslach y Jackson, adaptado por Pérez et al. para la población de estudiantes universitarios; y,
la escala Trait Meta Mood (TMM-24), de Salovey et al., adaptado por Fernández-Berrocal,
Extremera y Ramos; realizando la validación de éstos en 332 estudiantes. Se encontró una
correlación significativa entre el burnout académico y la inteligencia emocional; a pesar de ello, los
hallazgos reflejaron bajos índices de presencia de burnout en los alumnos. También, se obtuvo
correlaciones negativas altamente significativas entre agotamiento emocional con claridad de los
sentimientos y con el factor de reparación emocional; asimismo, correlación negativa y altamente
significativa entre despersonalización y reparación emocional; no obstante, éstas son relaciones
bajas. Además, se pudo concluir que una capacidad emocional adecuada en el alumno ayuda a
sobrellevar las situaciones demandantes de estrés y las circunstancias que se presentan en la vida
ABSTRACT In the present study explores the association between academic burnout and emotional intelligence in a sample of 173 students of a private university in Trujillo, of both sexes belonging to careers of law and political science (34), administration and marketing (52), management and international business (87); which are studying the last three cycles of their careers. For this, was used the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI), Maslach and Jackson, adapted by Perez et al. for the population of university students; and, Trait Meta Mood Scale (TMM-24), Salovey et al, adapted by FernándezBerrocal, Extremera and Ramos; performing validation of these in 332 students. It was found a significant correlation between academic burnout and emotional intelligence; nevertheless, the findings reflected the presence of low levels of burnout in students. Also, was obtained negative correlations highly significant between emotional exhaustion with clarity of feelings and the factor of emotional reparation; also, negative and highly significant correlation between depersonalization and emotional reparation; however, these are low ratios. Furthermore, it was concluded that adequate emotional capacity in students helps overcome the applicants stress and circumstances that arise in university life.
ABSTRACT In the present study explores the association between academic burnout and emotional intelligence in a sample of 173 students of a private university in Trujillo, of both sexes belonging to careers of law and political science (34), administration and marketing (52), management and international business (87); which are studying the last three cycles of their careers. For this, was used the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI), Maslach and Jackson, adapted by Perez et al. for the population of university students; and, Trait Meta Mood Scale (TMM-24), Salovey et al, adapted by FernándezBerrocal, Extremera and Ramos; performing validation of these in 332 students. It was found a significant correlation between academic burnout and emotional intelligence; nevertheless, the findings reflected the presence of low levels of burnout in students. Also, was obtained negative correlations highly significant between emotional exhaustion with clarity of feelings and the factor of emotional reparation; also, negative and highly significant correlation between depersonalization and emotional reparation; however, these are low ratios. Furthermore, it was concluded that adequate emotional capacity in students helps overcome the applicants stress and circumstances that arise in university life.
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Disciplina académico-profesional: Psicología
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Universidad Privada del Norte. Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Grado o título: Licenciado en Psicología
Jurado: Chávez Ventura, Gina; Frias Saavedra, Lorena; Florian Arana, Paulo
Fecha de registro: 29-may-2017
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