Bibliographic citations
Chavez, C., (2021). El método TEACCH aplicado al diseño de espacios de aprendizaje para un centro educativo de niños con trastorno espectro autista en Trujillo [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Chavez, C., El método TEACCH aplicado al diseño de espacios de aprendizaje para un centro educativo de niños con trastorno espectro autista en Trujillo [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2021.
title = "El método TEACCH aplicado al diseño de espacios de aprendizaje para un centro educativo de niños con trastorno espectro autista en Trujillo",
author = "Chavez Quispe, Claudia Pamela",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2021"
The present research presents the application of the TEACCH method in the design of the learning spaces for an educational center of children with autism spectrum disorder taking into account the characteristics of these children. A design of classrooms with clear limits is proposed, using colors and shapes that help the children to understand the space where they are avoiding so that it causes confusion and can be altered. In the first chapter, the author develops the problematic reality of the subject, thus obtaining the general and specific problem approach. Then within the theoretical framework it compiles antecedents of previous investigations of different authors, develops the theoretical bases that support the subject and the normative. It then describes the justification of the need for the topic studied, the constraints that make development difficult, and finally the objectives, the general and the specific ones. In the second chapter develops the formation of hypotheses, the definition of variables and basic terms and ends with the operationalization of variables. The third chapter describes what kind of research is, presents cases about the variables and the architectural object, the methods they will use as the technique or instruments. In the fourth chapter he demonstrates the results of the study with the study of architectural cases, and with this the author presents the guidelines that design to be applied to the educational center. Finally, in the fifth chapter the author develops the application of the TEACCH method in the learning spaces in the educational center.
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