Bibliographic citations
Villanueva, T., (2018). Propuesta de mejora en el área de logística para reducir los costos en la empresa Autopartes y Servicios Huamachuco E. I. R. L. [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Villanueva, T., Propuesta de mejora en el área de logística para reducir los costos en la empresa Autopartes y Servicios Huamachuco E. I. R. L. [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2018.
title = "Propuesta de mejora en el área de logística para reducir los costos en la empresa Autopartes y Servicios Huamachuco E. I. R. L.",
author = "Villanueva Paredes, Tatiana Elizabeth",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2018"
The general objective of this work was to determine the impact of the improvement proposal in the logistics area to reduce costs in the company Autopartes y Servicios Huamachuco E.I.R.L. In the first instance, a diagnosis was made of the current situation of the logistics area of the company Autopartes y Servicios Huamachuco E.I.R.L, where the existing problems that generate costs in this area were identified. Subsequently, the prioritization of root causes was carried out using the Pareto diagram to determine the economic impact that this problem represented in monetary losses generates in the company. To solve this situation, improvements were proposed such as the implementation of cyclical inventories, a FIFO system for the review of products, the preparation of a Layout taking into account the 5S and perform an MRP. With the improvement proposal, logistics costs will be reduced by 30,426.00 soles. Finally, an economic and financial evaluation was carried out, with a NPV of 58,892.20 soles, a TIR of 80.11% and a B / C of 2.002 soles. Which concludes that the proposal is profitable for the company.
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