Citas bibligráficas
Salvatierra, T., (2022). Estrategias de inspección central de García Basalo, aplicados en espacios del nuevo centro juvenil de diagnóstico y rehabilitación, 2020 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Salvatierra, T., Estrategias de inspección central de García Basalo, aplicados en espacios del nuevo centro juvenil de diagnóstico y rehabilitación, 2020 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2022.
title = "Estrategias de inspección central de García Basalo, aplicados en espacios del nuevo centro juvenil de diagnóstico y rehabilitación, 2020",
author = "Salvatierra Pino, Thalia Euniss Candelaria",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2022"
This work deals with the central inspection strategies by architect Alejo García Basalo, a specialist in closed-regime centers. For García, the strategies have an influence on the behavior of minor offending users, for this reason, the strategies will be applied in a Youth Center. The purpose of this work is to create comfortable, humanized and therapeutic spaces, for the psychological, moral and physical well-being. However, in Peru, there is no adequate infrastructure typology to rehabilitate minors with criminal behaviors, which means that the eight Diagnosis and Rehabilitation Youth Centers in Peru are in poor condition. For this reason, it is proposed to carry out the research work, of the strategies of the central inspection, to be applied in the new architectural design of the Youth Center for Diagnosis and Rehabilitation (CJDR), in the department of La Libertad, as a means of social reintegration. For this, it is necessary to analyze case studies related to the variable and the architectural object, to know and understand the dimensions, to create design guidelines and these to be applied in the Youth Center. The architectural project will be located in the La Libertad region, because the CJDR is currently in unsanitary conditions. This center has its own land that belongs to the judiciary and is located in the Huanchaco district, but weighting matrix tables were made to know its benefits. Finally, the design of the new center aims to develop new central inspection strategies, to generate a correct rehabilitation in a youth diagnosis and rehabilitation center and generate positive impacts on the mental health of each young person.
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