Citas bibligráficas
Alarcón, A., (2020). Naturaleza en el espacio aplicada en el diseño de un centro de rehabilitación para drogodependientes en Trujillo [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Alarcón, A., Naturaleza en el espacio aplicada en el diseño de un centro de rehabilitación para drogodependientes en Trujillo [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2020.
title = "Naturaleza en el espacio aplicada en el diseño de un centro de rehabilitación para drogodependientes en Trujillo",
author = "Alarcón Cueva, Alberto Tomas",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2020"
This thesis aims to guide about the spatial impact of the use of the principle of nature in space, in a rehabilitation center for drug addicts. It is proposed to pay attention to a real social problem, drug addiction in the Trujillana population, a young population whose number of affected people shows extremely high figures with an increasing tendency whose projection rate is sustained, and it is through architecture in conjunction with the application of relevant variables, which is intended to provide a solution to the effect, but not the cause, that is, aims to provide assistance to the population already affected to rehabilitate them, however the cause of the problem, would be in the partner field -political of a country, a subject that should be studied from different perspectives, however, you can not leave those affected without attention, that is why it is considered relevant to provide the rehabilitation service, considering that in the city of Trujillo There is no center that meets the basic regulatory requirements to be considered one. The methodology used starts with the identification of a real problem based on the problematic reality, followed by the formulation of the problem, identification of the limitations of the research, setting a general and specific objective and finally hypothesis formulation, the guiding idea is based on a set of dynamic volumes in the form of 'L' in response to certain design guidelines, which form patios which are surrounded by elements of nature, likewise, the blocks are made with materials of low toxicological level from conception to the end of the process. The validation of the hypothesis proposed is based on the theory and architectural background that used certain indicators in related projects which presented a positive result in terms of user recovery, given the indications shown, the application of all the indicators is considered contained within each variable of the present investigation.
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