Bibliographic citations
Altamirano, M., Marchan, K. (2021). Diseño del sistema de gestión en producción y logística según las teorías ABC, EOQ Y MRP para reducir costos en una empresa de calzado, Trujillo, 2021 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Altamirano, M., Marchan, K. Diseño del sistema de gestión en producción y logística según las teorías ABC, EOQ Y MRP para reducir costos en una empresa de calzado, Trujillo, 2021 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2021.
title = "Diseño del sistema de gestión en producción y logística según las teorías ABC, EOQ Y MRP para reducir costos en una empresa de calzado, Trujillo, 2021",
author = "Marchan Benites, Katia Alexandra",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2021"
This work was developed with the aim of determining the impact of the Design of a Production management and logistics system according to ABC theories, EOQ, MRP on the operational costs of a footwear company, where the following problems were identified: rework, waste, downtime, lack of important materials, lack of knowledge of purchase dates; subsequently, different scenarios and options were analyzed; from this, the design of the ABC, EOQ and MRP tools was selected and carried out. Thus, the results obtained before and after were compared, using indicators to measure the current and simulated value, through various techniques. Finally, a positive impact on the company's costs was achieved with a reduction of S/ 56,062.03 (81%); in turn, with respect to the economic impact, an investment of S/ 17,986.48 was obtained, with a 23% TIR, a VAN of S/ 30,147.54 and B/C of S/ 2.71
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