Bibliographic citations
Carbajal, L., Ulloa, I. (2019). Análisis y propuesta de política de crédito y cobranza en el área financiera de la empresa Nisira Systems S.A.C., Trujillo 2018 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Carbajal, L., Ulloa, I. Análisis y propuesta de política de crédito y cobranza en el área financiera de la empresa Nisira Systems S.A.C., Trujillo 2018 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2019.
title = "Análisis y propuesta de política de crédito y cobranza en el área financiera de la empresa Nisira Systems S.A.C., Trujillo 2018",
author = "Ulloa Blas, Iris Pilar",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2019"
The present work will focus on the analysis of the credit and collection procedures of the company NISIRA SYSTEMS S.A.C., dedicated to the Development and Sale of Software, present various problems such as inefficiency in the control of accounts receivable. For this reason, 27% of accounts receivable are more than 360 days late, which is why it is essential to have an established credit and collection policy manual. Therefore, the thesis Analysis and proposal of credit and collection policy in the financial area of the company Nisira Systems S.A.C. Trujillo 2018 has as a general objective Analyze and propose credit and collection policies in the financial area, Objective that will be achieved through the description, analysis and proposal of credit and collection policies. The methodology used was Interview by means of an Interview guide, Survey technique by means of the questionnaire and Documentary analysis through the worksheets. Among the results it was possible to observe a policy of credit and diminished collection, poor collection with high delinquency, and weak controls of the financial area. The conclusions determine that there is a poor credit and collection policy which must be improved to obtain optimal results in financial management.
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