Bibliographic citations
Matos, M., (2018). Sistema de gestión de proyectos de construcción basado en la filosofía lean y en el PMBOK para mejorar su productividad [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Matos, M., Sistema de gestión de proyectos de construcción basado en la filosofía lean y en el PMBOK para mejorar su productividad [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2018.
title = "Sistema de gestión de proyectos de construcción basado en la filosofía lean y en el PMBOK para mejorar su productividad",
author = "Matos Lopez, Marcos Joel",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2018"
This thesis analyzed and designed a construction project management system to improve its productivity. Productivity has 3 dimensions: the ratio between the quantity of products obtained (which meet the specifications), and the amount of resources used that can be expressed in costs; as well as the ratio of the quantity of products obtained (which meet the specifications); and the time used. In this line, it is not possible to speak of productivity improvement if compliance with scope, costs and time is not improved, which in turn depends on a substantial improvement in human resources, procurement management and the management of information, which are the specific objectives of this thesis. Therefore, the methodology chosen to monitor these 3 dimensions (scope, costs and time) is the Earned Value, because it relates them and allows them to be controlled together. The results of this thesis are a product of the joint application of the Project Management Institute standard, the philosophy of the Lean (which considers that everything that distances us from specifications, raises costs or increases the time they are waste); the methodologies (Earned Value, Kaizen, Last Planner, the 5 why or the cause-effect diagram to identify the causes of default and the A3 format that will allow action to counteract these); and the best practices obtained from the experience: all this allows to obtain a system of management of projects of construction that increases the productivity. This system was tested in a Transmission Line project with successful results, reaching schedule and cost performance indexes above 1, addressing the sources of causes of default and losses, and has therefore been generalized to others projects, always starting from the premise that in each project the system must be improved based on the learned lessons at the end.
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