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Rivasplata, K., (2023). Gestión de la rotación de personal en una empresa privada de producción ubicada en el Cercado de Lima, 2019 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Rivasplata, K., Gestión de la rotación de personal en una empresa privada de producción ubicada en el Cercado de Lima, 2019 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2023.
title = "Gestión de la rotación de personal en una empresa privada de producción ubicada en el Cercado de Lima, 2019",
author = "Rivasplata Muñoz, Karen Stephany",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2023"
Title: Gestión de la rotación de personal en una empresa privada de producción ubicada en el Cercado de Lima, 2019
Authors(s): Rivasplata Muñoz, Karen Stephany
Advisor(s): Albarran Taype, Rossmery
Keywords: Administración de personal; Recursos humanos; Capacitación del personal; Colaboradores; Producción; Clima laboral; Rotación; Salario; Employees; Production; Work environment; Turnover; Salary
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 14-Apr-2023
Institution: Universidad Privada del Norte
Abstract: En la presente tesis cuyo título es, Gestión de la Rotación de Personal en una empresa privada de producción ubicada en el Centro de Lima, 2019, se tuvieron antecedentes de nivel nacional e internacional, el objetivo general fue identificar como es la Gestión de Rotación de Personal en una empresa privada de producción ubicada en el Cercado de Lima, 2019.
Según el tipo de investigación fue descriptiva no correlacional, con una población de 40 colaboradores de la empresa, el instrumento que se utilizó fue de un cuestionario, estructurado por 18 ítems que fueron validados por 3 especialistas, además los resultados de confiabilidad que arrojo el instrumento mediante la prueba Alfa de Cronbach obtuvo como coeficiente de confiabilidad a=0,977 lo que implica que el cuestionario tiene una alta confiabilidad, y por lo tanto es aplicable en la investigación.
En base a los resultados obtenidos se pudo afirmar que hay un alto grado de insatisfacción laboral por parte de los colaboradores, debido a que no toman en cuenta ni valoran el factor humano, lo cual con lleva a realizar constantes reclutamientos.
In the present thesis whose title is, Personnel Rotation Management in a private production company located in the Center of Lima, 2019, there were national and international precedents, the general objective was to identify what the Rotation Management of Personnel in a private production company located in the Center of Lima, 2019. According to the type of research, it was descriptive, non-correlational, with a population of 40 employees of the company, the instrument that was used was a questionnaire, structured by 18 items that were validated by 3 specialists, in addition to the reliability results that the instrument produced. Using Cronbach's Alpha test, he obtained a reliability coefficient of a=0.977, which implies that the questionnaire has a high reliability, and therefore it is applicable in the investigation. Based on the results obtained, it was possible to affirm that there is a high degree of job dissatisfaction on the part of the collaborators, because they do not take into account or value the human factor, which leads to constant recruitment.
In the present thesis whose title is, Personnel Rotation Management in a private production company located in the Center of Lima, 2019, there were national and international precedents, the general objective was to identify what the Rotation Management of Personnel in a private production company located in the Center of Lima, 2019. According to the type of research, it was descriptive, non-correlational, with a population of 40 employees of the company, the instrument that was used was a questionnaire, structured by 18 items that were validated by 3 specialists, in addition to the reliability results that the instrument produced. Using Cronbach's Alpha test, he obtained a reliability coefficient of a=0.977, which implies that the questionnaire has a high reliability, and therefore it is applicable in the investigation. Based on the results obtained, it was possible to affirm that there is a high degree of job dissatisfaction on the part of the collaborators, because they do not take into account or value the human factor, which leads to constant recruitment.
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Discipline: Administración
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Privada del Norte. Facultad de Negocios
Grade or title: Licenciado en Administración
Juror: Dusek Paz, Magnolia Jesús; Ñiquen Levy, Randolf Fernando; Flores Bazán, María Isabel
Register date: 4-Aug-2023
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