Bibliographic citations
Gamarra, K., (2022). Automatización de pruebas de regresión para optimizar el proceso de calidad de software en la empresa Orbis Ventures S. A. C [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Gamarra, K., Automatización de pruebas de regresión para optimizar el proceso de calidad de software en la empresa Orbis Ventures S. A. C [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2022.
title = "Automatización de pruebas de regresión para optimizar el proceso de calidad de software en la empresa Orbis Ventures S. A. C",
author = "Gamarra Ramirez, Karen Rosario",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2022"
This research includes the automation of regression tests to optimize the software quality process in the company Orbis Ventures S.A.C. Due to the fact that the regression tests are carried out manually for all the projects, which generates high times and costs in the tests, the identification of defects occurs late, putting the stability of the platform at risk, which does not provide quality suitable for projects. The objective of this research is to determine how the Automation of regression tests influences the optimization of the software quality process in the company Orbis Ventures S.A.C. The type of research is Applied, since it seeks to provide a solution to a problem by solving functional tests, the research design is Experimental and the Quantitative approach. Test automation was effective in reducing time and costs by 99% compared to manual regression testing, and risk was reduced by 100%. The aforementioned results allowed us to conclude that regression test automation influences the optimization of the software quality process.
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