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Título: Proyecto de inversión: Implementación y puesta en marcha de una planta recicladora y trituradora de llantas en desuso para elaboración y comercialización de caucho granulado en el distrito de Carabayllo - ciudad de Lima 2018
Asesor(es): Goicochea Asian, Juan Orlando
Campo OCDE: https://purl.org/pe-repo/ocde/ford#2.11.04
Fecha de publicación: 2018
Institución: Universidad Privada del Norte
Resumen: El objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar la viabilidad económica, técnica y financiera del proyecto de IMPLEMENTACIÓN Y PUESTA EN MARCHA DE UNA PLANTA RECICLADORA Y TRITURADORA DE LLANTAS EN DESUSO PARA LA ELABORACIÓN Y COMERCIALIZACIÓN DE CAUCHO GRANULADO EN EL DISTRITO DE CARABAYLLO – CIUDAD DE LIMA 2018, para lo cual es importante realizar un análisis del sector, e interpretar cada uno de los resultados obtenidos, para poder determinar la viabilidad de cada uno de los puntos evaluados, los cuales se encuentran detallados en el siguiente documento. Los estudios desarrollados son el mercado, ingeniería y tecnología, localización, organización, económico y financiero. Se ha identificado la pertinencia y viabilidad para la implementación de una planta recicladora y comercializadora de gránulos de caucho en este sector geográfico, ya que existe una tendencia de consumo de insumos para la producción, que vaya de acuerdo con las políticas de reciclado y cuidado medio ambiental, que generan los productos en desechos como las llantas de caucho en desuso, de los cuales se puede obtener productos reutilizables para los procesos de producción o transformación de productos finales, como es el caso de reencauchado de llantas, o elaboración de artículos y productos que llevan entre sus materias primas este insumo y que también deben tener como valor agregado el cuidado de la sociedad y la ecología. La empresa que se ha decidido conjuntamente a crear es una empresa dedicada al reciclado y procesado de llantas en desuso para la producción y comercio de gránulos de caucho que tendrá el nombre de “Gránulos Eco Caucho S.A.C.” Que estará ubicada en el distrito de Carabayllo, el cual se encuentra dentro de la zona de comercio a la que nos dirigimos. Los resultados de los estudios de mercado se tomaron como referencia a través de encuestas 30 empresas dedicadas a la producción, comercialización y utilización de gránulos de caucho dentro de sus procesos operacionales, este estudio proporciona datos relevantes para determinar los parámetros y objetivos en términos de magnitud y optimización de la demanda y la oferta, además de las estrategias de marketing que se utilizarán para poder llegar a cumplir las metas de venta proyectada durante los periodos estimados. En el estudio de ingeniería se encuentran detallado punto por punto los diversos equipos e implementos que necesitaremos el proyecto para su desarrollo, así como los componentes de la infraestructura necesaria para una buena gestión del proyecto. La implementación del pan de marketing ha permitido a los investigadores inversionistas determinar las estrategias de ingreso al mercado, como lo son estrategias de productos y precios, además de determinar la promoción y publicidad necesarias que permitan a los inversionistas el logro de los objetivos de venta planteados y una adecuada estrategia de distribución, este capítulo también ha permitido a los accionistas el logro de un adecuado logo que represente la marca de la empresa y un slogan que permita a los cliente consumidores identificarse y recordar a la empresa. Dentro de este capítulo de marketing se establecen las cualidades y bondades de los productos ofertados, que incluyen el tipo de calidad y medida de los gránulos ofertados y plasma también los objetivos que se plantean los inversionistas para obtener los resultados esperados.

The objective of this work is to evaluate the economic, technical and financial viability of the project of IMPLEMENTATION AND START UP OF A PLANT REPELLER AND CRUSHER OF RIMS IN DISUSUAL FOR THE DEVELOPMENT AND MARKETING OF GRANULATED RUBBER THE DISTRICT OF CARABAYLLO – CITY LIMA 2018, for which it is important to carry out an analysis of the sector, and interpret each of the results obtained, in order to determine the viability of each of the points evaluated, which are detailed in the following document. The developed studies are the market, engineering and technology, location, organization, economic and financial. The pertinence and viability for the implementation of a recycling and commercialization plant of rubber granules in this geographic sector has been identified, since there is a tendency of consumption of inputs for production, which is in accordance with the policies of recycling and care environmental, which generate waste products such as disused rubber tires, from which reusable products can be obtained for the production or transformation processes of final products, such as the retreading of tires, or the elaboration of articles and products They carry this input among their raw materials and they must also have as added value the care of society and ecology. The company that has decided jointly to create is a company dedicated to the recycling and processing of tires in disuse for the production and trade of rubber granules that will have the name of “Granules Eco Rubber SAC“ which will be located in the district of Carabayllo, which is within the trade area to which we are going. The results of the market studies were taken as a reference through surveys 30 companies dedicated to the production, marketing and use of rubber granules within their operational processes, this study provides relevant data to determine the parameters and objectives in terms of magnitude and optimization of demand and supply, in addition to the marketing strategies that will be used to achieve the projected sales goals during the estimated periods. In the engineering study are detailed point by point the various equipment and implements that the project will need for its development, as well as the components of the infrastructure necessary for good project management. The implementation of marketing bread has allowed investor researchers to determine market entry strategies, such as product and price strategies, as well as determining the promotion and publicity necessary to enable investors to achieve the proposed sales objectives and an adequate distribution strategy, this chapter has also allowed shareholders to achieve an adequate logo that represents the company's brand and a slogan that allows consumers to identify and remember the company. Within this marketing chapter, the qualities and benefits of the products offered are established, which include the type of quality and measure of the granules offered and also reflects the objectives that investors raise to obtain the expected results. The system of sales of the company proposed within this document will allow to determine appropriate strategies for the determination and definition of the final customers, the sales strategies that will be applied so that they are satisfied not only with the product, but also with the service offered by the company through the established sales channels, while the company's business plan will allow investors to determine the location and distribution of the facilities for an adequate production process, in addition to the study of processes, times and productive routes, that are adapted to an adequate use of the acquired machinery and equipment and to the demand of the market that has been estimated. Thus, the initial investment for the realization of this project amounts to S / 204,342.17 soles, which are recovered in the second month of the third projection period this will have a financing of S /. 45,000.00 soles that represents 24.17% of the total investments and will be requested and financed with the BBVA Continental Bank. Therefore, these projections give us a positive result and an additional gain updated to the present by S /. 184,209, based on the best alternative that is left to invest. According to the sensitivity analysis, our expected NPV is exceeded by our real NPV. As for the IRR, for this project, according to the analysis it was found that it had an expected value of 42.93%; This also indicates that the project is very attractive, which is greater than the financial IRR according to the sensitivity analysis, generating an income above the calculated COK, which in this case was 13.62% But it is not necessary to ignore that, the greater the profitability corresponds to a greater risk, and this project is not alien to this affirmation, since, in spite of being so attractive these numbers, it also has a great variability in the return of the investment, which can generate operational and market difficulties. In addition, it must be taken into account that this product we offer is little known in the market we are targeting, which adds more uncertainty to the possibility that the potential customers identified at that time will effectively become real customers for the project. Regarding the sensitivity analysis and the projected scenarios, we take as reference the baseline scenario and the optimistic scenario, the elasticity table according to the cost variables, indicates that in each percentage point of cost increase, the NPV tends to increase by 98.43% Regarding the relative changes according to the sensitivity parameter, we can affirm that costs can not increase by more than 7.11%.
Enlace al repositorio: https://hdl.handle.net/11537/21297
Disciplina académico-profesional: Ingeniería Industrial
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Universidad Privada del Norte. Facultad de Ingeniería
Grado o título: Ingeniero Industrial
Fecha de registro: 23-may-2019

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