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Arteaga, A., (2022). La competencia desleal y la publicidad en las publicaciones de los influencers de Instagram en Lima 2021 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Arteaga, A., La competencia desleal y la publicidad en las publicaciones de los influencers de Instagram en Lima 2021 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2022.
title = "La competencia desleal y la publicidad en las publicaciones de los influencers de Instagram en Lima 2021",
author = "Arteaga Farias, Adriana Guadalupe",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2022"
Title: La competencia desleal y la publicidad en las publicaciones de los influencers de Instagram en Lima 2021
Authors(s): Arteaga Farias, Adriana Guadalupe
Advisor(s): Olano Romero, Rodrigo
Keywords: Competencia desleal; Abuso de posición dominante; Publicidad engañosa; Redes sociales en línea; Influencers; Unfair competition; Deceitful advertising
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 6-Jul-2022
Institution: Universidad Privada del Norte
Abstract: La publicidad en las publicaciones de influencers es un tema novedoso que no cuenta con normativa expresa para su regulación. El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar la relación que existe entre la competencia desleal y la publicidad en las publicaciones de influencers en Instagram en Lima 2021. Esta investigación es de tipo básica, transversal y correlacional con enfoque cualitativo y diseño no experimental, que tiene como técnica de recolección de datos las entrevistas personales. Los resultados indican que debido a la gran exposición del consumidor ante la publicidad encubierta, este ha logrado identificarla mejor y rechazarla. De la discusión se advierte que los antecedentes encontrados, en su mayoría, coinciden con las interpretaciones de la triangulación. Finalmente, se concluye que los influencers en Instagram suben contenido que infringe los principios de autenticidad, veracidad y legalidad, lo cual configura actos de competencia desleal.
Advertising in influencer publications is a new issue that does not have express regulations for its regulation. The objective of this research is to analyze the relationship between unfair competition and advertising in influencer publications on Instagram in Lima 2021. This research is of a basic, cross-sectional and correlational type with a qualitative approach and non-experimental design, which has personal interviews as a data collection technique. The results indicate that due to the great exposure of consumers to hidden advertising, they have been able to better identify and reject it. From the discussion it is noted that the antecedents found, for the most part, coincide with the interpretations of the triangulation. Finally, it is concluded that influencers on Instagram upload content that infringes the principles of authenticity, truthfulness and legality, which constitutes acts of unfair competition.
Advertising in influencer publications is a new issue that does not have express regulations for its regulation. The objective of this research is to analyze the relationship between unfair competition and advertising in influencer publications on Instagram in Lima 2021. This research is of a basic, cross-sectional and correlational type with a qualitative approach and non-experimental design, which has personal interviews as a data collection technique. The results indicate that due to the great exposure of consumers to hidden advertising, they have been able to better identify and reject it. From the discussion it is noted that the antecedents found, for the most part, coincide with the interpretations of the triangulation. Finally, it is concluded that influencers on Instagram upload content that infringes the principles of authenticity, truthfulness and legality, which constitutes acts of unfair competition.
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Discipline: Derecho y Ciencias Políticas
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Privada del Norte. Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Políticas
Grade or title: Abogado
Juror: Morales Cauti, Guisseppi Paul; Cépeda Gamio, Patricia Malena; Trujillo Pajuelo, Michael Lincol
Register date: 25-Jul-2022
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