Bibliographic citations
Vargas, R., (2018). Los efectos que tienen los procesos de incorporación de personal basados en competencias: opiniones de un grupo de directivos y gerentes de tres importantes empresas del sector minero peruano en el 2018 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Vargas, R., Los efectos que tienen los procesos de incorporación de personal basados en competencias: opiniones de un grupo de directivos y gerentes de tres importantes empresas del sector minero peruano en el 2018 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2018.
title = "Los efectos que tienen los procesos de incorporación de personal basados en competencias: opiniones de un grupo de directivos y gerentes de tres importantes empresas del sector minero peruano en el 2018",
author = "Vargas Lucar, Rosario Milagros",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2018"
ABSTRACT The main objective of this research is to determine the effects that the processes of personnel incorporation based on competencies for mining companies in Peru, from the opinion of a group of top executives and managers of three important Peruvian mining sector companies. Thus, the hypothesis that served as the basis for the present study is that the effects of personnel incorporation processes based on competencies for mining companies in Peru should have collaborators who possess: Knowledge. Intrapersonal competences - interpersonal, organizational and ethical. Personal motivation. Also, the present research was designed from a qualitative approach, for which the semi structured interview technique was chosen, developed for three top executives and managers of three important metal mining companies operating in Peru; the type of investigation according to its purpose corresponds to that applied; A level of descriptive research was developed and the method was used: Analysis - Synthesis and Inductive. The design of the research was determined as non experimental - transversal. It has been concluded that the effects of personnel incorporation processes based on competencies for Peruvian mining companies should be that they have collaborators who have: knowledge (knowledge and skills), intrapersonal - interpersonal, organizational and ethical competencies as well as motivation personnel, which contribute to the competitiveness and sustainability of these companies. Key words: personnel incorporation, people management, competences, Peruvian mining sector.
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