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Guevara, H., (2019). Plan estratégico y su influencia en la competitividad en una empresa constructora, Cajamarca 2018 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Guevara, H., Plan estratégico y su influencia en la competitividad en una empresa constructora, Cajamarca 2018 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2019.
title = "Plan estratégico y su influencia en la competitividad en una empresa constructora, Cajamarca 2018",
author = "Guevara Peralta, Herlin Fernando",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2019"
Título: Plan estratégico y su influencia en la competitividad en una empresa constructora, Cajamarca 2018
Autor(es): Guevara Peralta, Herlin Fernando
Asesor(es): Llaque Quiroz, Juan Carlos
Palabras clave: Planificación estratégica; Competitividad; Competencia económica; Control interno; Empresas de construcción
Campo OCDE:
Fecha de publicación: 26-abr-2019
Institución: Universidad Privada del Norte
Resumen: El objetivo de la presente investigación es determinar si el plan estratégico influye en la
competitividad en una empresa constructora, Cajamarca 2018. Basándose principalmente en un
análisis externo e interno, en las proyecciones o planes de crecimiento de los directivos y en el
compromiso que tienen sus colaboradores para alcanzar las metas propuestas.
El estudio se realizó en base a una investigación según su fin y/o propósito aplicada, de diseño
no experimental y nivel correlacional, aplicando un método deductivo-inductivo. Así mismo, la
población y muestra del presente estudio estuvo conformada por los 52 colaboradores que
laboran actualmente en la empresa constructora, para realizar la recolección de datos se
utilizaron las técnicas de la entrevista y la encuesta, contaron con el instrumento llamado
cuestionario, el cual se desarrolló para cada una de las variables correspondientes, el diseño de
cada una de las preguntas del cuestionario se desarrolló en base a la escala de Likert contando
con 5 niveles de respuesta. Para la variable Plan Estratégico el cuestionario estuvo conformado
por 21 preguntas y para la variable Competitividad por 27 preguntas; en el caso de la entrevista
realizada a los directivos, estuvo conformada con 26 preguntas.
La confiabilidad del estudio se realizó mediante el análisis de Alpha de Cronbach, arrojando como
resultado de 92.46% para la variable Plan Estratégico y 84.52% para la variable Competitividad.
Así mismo, para comprobar la hipótesis se utilizó el software SPSS desarrollándose 2 tipos de
pruebas: La prueba del coeficiente de correlación de Pearson y la prueba no paramétrica D de
Somers para variables ordinales; obteniendo los siguientes resultados: Nivel de significancia del
1% y con una significación aproximada de 0.000 (α<0.05) respectivamente.
Por lo tanto, se concluyó que el Plan Estratégico influye significativamente en la Competitividad
en una empresa constructora, Cajamarca 2018.
The objective of the present research is to determine if the strategic plan has influence in the competitive of a building company, Cajamarca 2018. Basing mainly on an external and internal analysis, on the projections or growth plans of the managers and on the commitment that their collaborators have to reach the proposed goals. The study was carried out by conducting an applied research, of non-experimental design and correlational level, applying a deductive-inductive approach. Moreover, the population and sample of the present research was made up of 52 employees who currently work in the building company. Interview and survey were the instruments used in order to gather the data, which were designed according to the variables, the design of the questionnaire was base in Likert Scale by having levels of answer. The variable of strategic plan was made up of 21 questions and the variable of competitive was made up of 27 questions, the interview was conducted to the executives and it was made up of 26 questions. The reliability of the study was made up through Cronbach Alpha analysis generating 92.46% as a result for Strategic Plan variable and 84.52% for Competitive plan. Likewise, to test the hypothesis the SPSS software was used, developing 2 types of tests: The Pearson correlation coefficient test and the Somers nonparametric D test for ordinal variables; obtaining the following results: Level of significance of 1% and with an approximate significance of 0.000 (α <0.05) respectively. Therefore, it was concluded that the strategic plan has a meaningful influence in the Competitive in a building company, Cajamarca 2018.
The objective of the present research is to determine if the strategic plan has influence in the competitive of a building company, Cajamarca 2018. Basing mainly on an external and internal analysis, on the projections or growth plans of the managers and on the commitment that their collaborators have to reach the proposed goals. The study was carried out by conducting an applied research, of non-experimental design and correlational level, applying a deductive-inductive approach. Moreover, the population and sample of the present research was made up of 52 employees who currently work in the building company. Interview and survey were the instruments used in order to gather the data, which were designed according to the variables, the design of the questionnaire was base in Likert Scale by having levels of answer. The variable of strategic plan was made up of 21 questions and the variable of competitive was made up of 27 questions, the interview was conducted to the executives and it was made up of 26 questions. The reliability of the study was made up through Cronbach Alpha analysis generating 92.46% as a result for Strategic Plan variable and 84.52% for Competitive plan. Likewise, to test the hypothesis the SPSS software was used, developing 2 types of tests: The Pearson correlation coefficient test and the Somers nonparametric D test for ordinal variables; obtaining the following results: Level of significance of 1% and with an approximate significance of 0.000 (α <0.05) respectively. Therefore, it was concluded that the strategic plan has a meaningful influence in the Competitive in a building company, Cajamarca 2018.
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Disciplina académico-profesional: Maestría Ejecutiva en Administración de Empresas
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Universidad Privada del Norte. Escuela de Posgrado y Estudios Continuos
Grado o título: Maestro en Administración de Empresas
Fecha de registro: 7-jun-2019
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