Bibliographic citations
Niño de, J., (2018). Influencia de herramientas de gestión en la competitividad de organizaciones de base productivas en el distrito de Cajamarca 2017 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Niño de, J., Influencia de herramientas de gestión en la competitividad de organizaciones de base productivas en el distrito de Cajamarca 2017 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2018.
title = "Influencia de herramientas de gestión en la competitividad de organizaciones de base productivas en el distrito de Cajamarca 2017",
author = "Niño de Guzman Esaine, Jose Alfredo",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2018"
The purpose of this research is to identify the impact of 13 business management tools on the competitiveness of Grassroots Productive Organizations in the Cajamarca district that have participated in the Small Production Project Contests between 2008 and 2015 and have strengthened their management capacities through the Business Competency Empowerment for Leaders program, both promoted and carried out by The Andes Association of Cajamarca - ALAC |Yanacocha. Among the business management tools utilized, those that directly impact planning and organization, promotion and distribution, operations development, and the efficient use of economic resources have been identified. Those tools that are the most relevant for implementation by leaders and/or those in charge of the Grassroots Productive Organizations in the development of their productive and commercial activities, and consequently, in the improvement of their competitiveness have also been identified. This is a case study in which, by utilizing instruments for gathering and analyzing data, checklists, and qualitative and quantitative systematization, we have identified the operational tools implemented in which leaders and technical teams from the three Grassroots Productive Organizations that were the focus of the study were trained, and which influence their competitiveness. Finally, it may be concluded that by efficiently implementing the 13 business management tools, these contribute to improving the competitiveness of the Grassroots Productive Organizations, by increasing the quality of their products, increasing sales, and improving cost-benefit or profitability. However, this occurs only if they are adapted and implemented through methodologies aligned to their context, the level of education of the members, the use of available human and financial resources, and the participation of public and/or private agencies that directly contribute to improving their technologies, strengthening their capacities, and inserting them into the market or value chains aligned with their productive activities.
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