Bibliographic citations
Araujo, G., Haro, B. (2023). Identificar la influencia del uso del bambú como material alternativo al adobe en la construcción de viviendas sostenibles y de bajo costo en las zonas marginales del norte del Perú [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Araujo, G., Haro, B. Identificar la influencia del uso del bambú como material alternativo al adobe en la construcción de viviendas sostenibles y de bajo costo en las zonas marginales del norte del Perú [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2023.
title = "Identificar la influencia del uso del bambú como material alternativo al adobe en la construcción de viviendas sostenibles y de bajo costo en las zonas marginales del norte del Perú",
author = "Haro Bello, Banny Steffany",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2023"
This research was able to present a comparative proposal for a construction process of a house with bamboo guadua, which allows improving or equaling the structural resistance properties of an adobe house. In order to do this, it was necessary to identify houses that were self-constructed with adobe, which is the main problem that requires methods based on the standards with new and economical materials. By means of a survey carried out in a random marginal zone by convenience in the north of Peru, it was possible to recognize the deficiencies that the buildings present, where we verified that the 11 houses of the place were the result of self-construction, for the investigation a house was selected at random that participated in the survey, to carry out an analysis with a design of adobe and bamboo guadua. Our research shows that both adobe and bamboo guadua houses are capable of giving positive results when subjected to seismic analysis, however, the adobe house, in order not to suffer damages, requires reinforcements such as geogrids and cane rods between the vertical and horizontal joints according to the E.080 standard, while the bamboo house does not need extra reinforcements for an effective seismic-resistant result according to the E.0100 standard. Finally, it is concluded that a bamboo guadua building does not require additional supports, since its mechanical properties are sufficient for a seismic-resistant structural system, producing a lower cost for its construction and positively influencing the environment in comparison with adobe.
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