Citas bibligráficas
Tresierra, I., (2013). Estudio de prefactibilidad de la creación de una empresa de seguridad informática especializada en el sector financiero. [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Tresierra, I., Estudio de prefactibilidad de la creación de una empresa de seguridad informática especializada en el sector financiero. [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2013.
title = "Estudio de prefactibilidad de la creación de una empresa de seguridad informática especializada en el sector financiero.",
author = "Tresierra Zavaleta, Italo Federico",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2013"
The present study aims to determine the economic and financial feasibility to form a company dedicated to offer specialized security information to the financial sector in Peru's Constitutional Republic. The idea is to implement a local where to investigate issues related to security information by giving priority to particular cases experienced by the financial sector, and it will provide consulting services, software development, software maintenance, auditing and help desk with the assurance, security and trust required, this will be done in order to gain prestige while climbing on the type of companies. The joint project will have a maximum of 92 services (consulting, software development, software maintenance, auditing and help desk) starting the first period to 12.02% of the target market (765 services), for which investment may be required of S/.762,462.91, this amount will be funded 70% with local contribution and a 30% bank loan figures given as S/.533,724.04 and S/.228,738.87 respectively. This project has an evaluation horizon of 05 years, being the investor opportunity cost of capital of 11.61% with a B/C of 2.99x. The responsible for implementing this project is the bachelor of business administration career at the University of North Private in Trujillo at La Libertad department: Italo Tresierra. This research concludes that the project is profitable, since the Real ENPV S/.675,613.66 and the Real FNPV S/.675,185.80, assuming a weighted average cost of capital (WACC) of 11.64%. The Real EIRR is 33.91% and the Real FIRR 40.29%, with both rates higher than WACC.
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